Thursday, June 30, 2011
True News
New Yorkers Turned on Glenn Beck in Bryant Park Last Night [Updated]
![New Yorkers Turned on Glenn Beck in Bryant Park Last Night [Updated]](
Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images
Today on his radio show, Glenn Beck tearfully recounted an incident from Bryant Park last night when he and his wife and daughter turned up to see a showing of the Hitchcock classic The 39 Steps. Apparently some fellow picnickers began harassing the Becks, even at one point "accidentally" kicking a glass of wine onto his wife's back. It sounded genuinely unpleasant and a little scary, though the famously paranoid Beck played up the dramatics in his retelling. "I swear to you I think, if I had suggested, and I almost did, 'Wow, does anybody have a rope? Because there's tree here. You could just lynch me.' And I think there would have been a couple in the crowd that would have," he said. He called Gawker, which ran some user-submitted photos of the Becks, "especially horrible." "They have done everything they can to stalk me and my family," he said. "They’ve put my family in jeopardy in their own home."
Then, for almost ten minutes, Beck went on an extended rant against New Yorkers and the type of twentysomethings that harassed him. "These people were some of the most hateful people I had ever seen," he said. "I was told a lot last night about how New York hates people like me."
"I really feel sorry for you," he continued. "Here you are, 25 years old, and you are so lost and so arrogant and so convinced that you are absolutely 100 percent right. And you are helping craft a system that is fueled by hate. You're being used, and you don't even know it. You're building a system fueled by the very things you say you hate: special interests, the rich, the powerful, global corporations — that’s who's pulling your string."
Update: A "hateful" 25-year-old writes in with her version of events.
To Whom It May Concern:
Just a quick FYI -saw your article on Mr. Beck and his numerous FALSE claims about the way that he was treated at Bryant Park last night. Myself and several of my friends were seated immediately behind Mr. Beck & co (have pictures) and I can tell you that while the crowd was certainly not *thrilled* that he had shown up, his family was left completely alone, and for the most part he was too. Conversely, it was his security detail (two body guards) that seemed to be unnecessarily prickly with the crowd, scolding myself and my friends for acrobatics and other harmless activities taking place well before the movie started, and contributing to a considerably less relaxed atmosphere than is typically experienced during BPMN (I've been going for about six years now).
It was my friend that spilled the glass of wine on Tanya -and I can assure you that it was a complete accident. A happy one, to be sure, but nonetheless a complete and utter accident. As soon as the wine spilled (and I question how Tanya became soaked from a half glass of wine) apologies were made and my friends pretty much scrambled to give Tanya & co napkins -no doubt aware that it would look terrible and that their actions could be perceived as purposeful. No words were exchanged after that, as I think that it became pretty clear to Beck & co that my friends and I were doing everything in our capacity to help clean the "mess".
I'm sure it's unnecessary to point out the hypocrisy in Glen's statements that we were being hateful. I can assure him that we don't need his sympathy. Incidentally, none of us have made a career of "spewing hate" on the radio, or any other media platform. We live our lives intolerant only of those who don't tolerate: We have chosen New York as our city for that very reason. We do things like go to Bryant Park Movie Night, and vote to legalize gay marriage. We don't taunt Glen, or his family. And we certainly don't waste our wine, even on Tanya.
Thanks, and please let me know if you have further questions.
Lindsey Piscitell
Tearful Glenn Beck Describes How He And His Family Were Attacked In New York Park [Mediaite]
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Giuliani Thinks Ducking Promises Will Do Wonders for His Political Career

Photo: Jemal Countess/Getty Images
Remember the gay couple who took in former mayor Rudy Giuliani after his previous marriage hit the skids? Giuliani is pretending he doesn't: First, he skipped the couple's 2009 Connecticut wedding, after RSVPing yes. Now, says car dealer Howard Koeppel, Giuliani has reneged on a promise to remarry Koeppel and Mark Hsiao in their home city of New York, where it's just become legal. Koeppel tells the Post that when he asked if the mayor would marry them years ago, the reply seemed, on balance, positive:
"He said, 'Howard, I don't ever do anything that's not legal. If it becomes legal in New York, you'll be one of the first ones I would marry.' "
Ten years later, Koeppel is distressed that his former house guest hasn't returned the many calls he began making before the legislation was passed last week.
"It seems like a lot of people he was close to become persona non grata," Koeppel observed.
The couple has been together since 1991, back when Giuliani was on wife No. 2, and this year became parents through surrogacy. The former mayor — despite generally moderate social positions, a longtime thumbs up to civil unions, and a certain reputation for not exactly treating heterosexual marriage as something uniquely sacred — has always opposed gay marriage. The issue has become much less of a wedge in recent elections, and young people especially, of all political affiliations, are completely unshocked at the notion of gay marriage; meanwhile, Giuliani has never been a favorite of social conservatives, but it's still hard not to read his duck-and-cover move as a nod in their direction. One consultant tells the Post that " [Presiding at the wedding] would be a sign he's no longer interested in running [as a Republican] for president — ever." But despite his seemingly annual feints at running for office again, it's unclear if there are large blocs of Republicans who are interested any longer in having Giuliani run for president — ever.
The New York Times
Danny Hakim reports: “One of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s top advisers met with the operators of the Indian Point nuclear plant last week and told them that the governor was determined to close the plant.”
Op-ed columnist Maureen Dowd interviews Gov. Cuomo and talks about his relationship with his father – and the Catholic Church.
Sharon Otterman profiles Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott.
Smoking Now Permitted Only In Special Room In Iowa
"smoking lounge" in Oskaloosa, IA.
Smokers from across the U.S. crowd into the national smoking lounge.
The lounge, a storage closet located in the basement of Oskaloosa's American Legion Hall #3567, will protect non-smokers from the harmful effects of the second-hand smoke of the nation's approximately 65 million smokers.
"Smokers have infringed upon the rights of others for far too long," said U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), co-sponsor of the bill. "Now that this issue is finally settled, we can all 'breathe a little easier.'"
"I really need a smoke right now," said White Plains, NY, resident Peter MacAlester, 52, speeding westbound along Interstate 80 toward Oskaloosa. Biting his fingernails and wiping sweat from his forehead as he drove, he added, "I figure if I drive straight through and manage to stay awake, I can probably get there within the next 16 hours."
The legislation's passage ranks among the most significant moments in the battle against smoking in the U.S. These include the 1989 Supreme Court decision to limit smoking to the Midwest; Congress' 1993 restriction of smoking to Iowa only; the Iowa Supreme Court's 1995 statewide ban on smoking except in Oskaloosa; and the Oskaloosa City Council's 1997 declaration that, with the exception of the American Legion Hall, Oskaloosa would be designated a smoke-free city.
Smoking opponents throughout the Oskaloosa area are applauding the latest piece of legislation, which bans smoking in the American Legion Hall, except in the basement's storage closet.
"It's about time," Oskaloosa non-smoker Caryn Tapp said. "That building's tolerant 'all-areas' open-smoking policy encouraged the filthy habit. Not only that, but the building's proximity to the local Arby's helped promote tobacco use among Oskaloosa's 65 teens."
Scenes like this one in Orlando, FL, are being reported across the U.S., as highways are jammed with smokers en route to Iowa.
"My daughter lives in California, and she's refused to bring my newborn grandson to visit me because of that building's relaxed smoking code," said Harriet Mortimer, 63, who lives down the block from the American Legion Hall. "But now that it's been restricted to the basement storage closet, she's considering coming here."
Added Mortimer: "That closet doesn't have any windows, does it?"
As popular as the new legislation is among Oskaloosa-area non-smokers, it is every bit as unpopular among smokers across the U.S.
"Having to get to Iowa to grab a smoke on my lunch break every day was certainly inconvenient enough: Oskaloosa doesn't even have a 7-11, let alone an airport." said Boston marketing executive Daniel Freeburn, 38. "But now, on top of everything else, we have to deal with this? That lounge only has room for, at most, 40 or 50 people, and that's when they're packed in like sardines. With lines of up to 50 or 60 million people during noontime rush periods, I'm sometimes as much as six months late getting back to my desk."
Gnawing at the bruised, bloodied ball of his thumb, Freeburn added: "Fucking shit-ass Christ piss!" He then asked if anyone had any gum. Less than an hour later, he was reportedly arrested by Boston police for bashing his office supervisor's head against a desk.
Across the U.S., smokers have resorted to desperate measures in order to sidestep the latest government restrictions. Some have been caught hiding cigarettes inside asthma inhalers. Tempe, AZ, smoker Abel Greene was recently caught attempting to dig a 700-foot-deep hole in the ground in the crawlspace beneath his home. According to police officials, Greene was planning to use the pit to secretly smoke in private, far beneath the Earth's surface.
Despite the victory, anti-tobacco groups across the nation stress that the war against smoking is far from over.
"We still have a long way to go," said Francine Stotts, director of the Citizens Health Action Institute and a member of the board of directors of the San Francisco-based What About The Children? foundation. "It is true that, by restricting all smoking in the entire country to a cramped closet in a barely accessible rural hamlet surrounded by nothing but miles of flat farmland in every direction, we have helped reduce the non-smoker's risk of exposure to secondhand smoke. But we cannot stop there. We must continue to lobby for greater restrictions until smoking is only allowed beyond the orbit of the outermost gas giant Neptune."
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
The New York Times
Santos & Hernandez notes: “New York’s $66 billion budget, which the City Council is set to approve on Tuesday, averted the laying off of thousands of teachers that Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg had said would be necessary. But the plan does not spare the schools from cuts. The schools chancellor, Dennis M. Walcott, told principals on Monday that individual school budgets would decline by an average of 2.4 percent, forcing tough choices about what — or whom — they can do without. Parent coordinators at high schools could be let go, after-school programs could end and teaching positions could be purged, prompting schools to consolidate classes and eliminate elective courses. The city does not plan to replace an estimated 2,600 teachers who are expected to retire or resign this summer, so one result is inevitable: Class sizes will increase.”
“Gotham” columnist Michael Powell wonders: “The mayor plays a reasonable hand of political poker, but is the city the better for that this year? Was the threatened mayhem — the thousands of layoffs and firehouses closed — an attempt to reimagine the city in rough times, or just a sound-and-light show?”
Cara Buckley notes: “At this year’s meeting, held Monday evening at the Cooper Union’s Great Hall, the Rent Guidelines Board raised the maximum increases on rent-stabilized apartments to 3.75 percent for one-year leases and 7.25 percent for two-year leases. The increases go into effect in October.”
Michael Grybaum reports: “…The city is planning a new system of street signage intended to help pedestrians get from here to there with as little confusion as possible.”
Sam Dolnick looks at the aftermath of the gay marriage vote: “The news was celebrated over the weekend by gay immigrants just as it was by other gay groups. On Monday, after the dancing had slowed, many immigrants outside the gay community said that the victory carried a special resonance for them, as well, for they understood discrimination better than most. Their relationship with gay advocacy groups is complex, even as some see similarities in their struggles. And because it is a state law and not a federal one, some of the benefits being sought, like citizenship for same-sex spouses, will not be forthcoming, and that has somewhat muted their response.”
Stucknation: With Washington Deadlocked, States and Cities Get Creative
Monday, June 27, 2011
By Bob Hennelly
The national leadership is so caught up in their pursuit of power and re-election that they are entirely disconnected from the very real social and economic dislocation their corporatist and partisan politics have wrought.
In the immediate aftermath of the great collapse of 2008, the nation bailed out the banks, and promises were made about helping homeowners who were facing foreclosure. Those promises were not kept by either party, and the value of the real estate on Main Street America just continues its downward slide unabated.
Right now the only sign of adult bipartisan leadership and forward momentum is coming from the states, local officials and average citizens who sense the country's dire condition. They are putting their desire to serve the people over their party. And while you can disagree with the policy result, you have to respect that they are putting something at risk by acting out of their comfort zone to accomplish something greater than there own self-engradisement.
Leave it to the U.S. Conference of Mayors to try and send a wake up call to the self-absorbed beltway about the actual cost of the U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq in terms of the lost opportunity for re-building our fraying nation and its hurting cities.
In the Empire State, Governor Andrew Cuomo, the Democratic and Republican legislators govern a state short on cash but that did not stop them from trying to make it a more just and inclusive place by embracing marriage equality.
In Trenton, conservative Republican Governor Chris Christie spent months beating up on the Democrats who control the state legislature. But when it came down to the wire, he worked behind closed doors with Democratic Senate President Stephen Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Shelia Oliver to fashion a compromise that both sides hope will save the state's public employee pension and health care benefits without bankrupting local governments.
Perhaps it's that at the state and municipal level there are no abstracting the results when there is a failure to lead. And so Newark Mayor Cory Booker, a rising star in the Democratic Party, embraced Christie's call for trying to contain the ever-upward spiral of pension and health care costs.
Booker had to layoff 163 officers - 13 percent of his police force - because the costs of continuing to keep the fringe benefit costs current on the rest of the work force.
At an editorial meeting at WNYC, Booker said Christie's "pugilistic style" gave him pause.
"To me Chris Christie's plan is right. We need somehow to curb benefits and make them more rational," said Mayor Booker. "It is ridiculous to me that have a health care system with out public workers where there is no conception of cost on the part of provider, no conception of cost on the consumer, and what does that do in any environment it is going to drive up costs."
Booker said the state had "sacred cows" that it could no longer afford like the requirement that public employees receive the total value of unused sick days when they retired.
"These big buyouts that people get for unused sick days - they weren't sick," said Booker. "Why are we buying them out? Why do I have to pay to my police officers upwards of a quater of a million dollars for people walking out the door for unused sick time. You know what I could do with a quarter of a million dollars. Do you know how many summer jobs I could provide in my city for that kind of money?"
There are state and local labor leaders stepping up to the challenge of our national leadership crisis. New Jersey's Communications Workers of America, that represents New Jersey's state workers DID put forward a meaningful plan to try and cut health care costs but it did not get the media attention it merited.
There's no doubt New Jersey's failure to make its payment into the public pension funds for a generation set the stage for the current crisis. And CWA's Bob Master says public unions are being unfairly scapegoated as the nation continues to feel the fallout from Wall Streets ruinous and fraudulent speculation.
"What's happening in New jersey is part of a national even global effort to solve the crisis that has brought on by the financial meltdown at the expense of the living standards of middle class people. In this case they were public workers,"said Master.
In New York City it was the behind the scenes leadership of UFT President Michael Mulgrew that produced results for his members AND the children of New York. Mulgrew worked WITH the Bloomberg Administration even as he publicly blasted the Mayor for his plan to layoff 4,000 teachers. The teachers gave up their sabbaticals and shuttle diplomacy between City Council Speaker Christine Quinn and low key Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott staked out common ground.
But we have to keep asking the big questions about how it is that we find ourselves in this scarcity mode from Athens to Trenton. Yes there's a global debt crisis and the books must be balanced. But on whose back? These days U.S. multinational continue to hoard trillions off-shore waiting for the two-party bilking system to give them a tax holiday.
Friday night inside the Tweed Courthouse, Mayor Bloomberg, Speaker Quinn and a who's who of New York City government were all in a self-congragulatory mood because they had reached a budget deal for this year that spared 4,000 teachers, but laid off a thousand city workers. Word of the landmark vote in Albany on marriage equality added to the celebratory mood.
But outside a hundred plus protestors banged on drums and cowbells to protest any layoffs and "givens" like the hike in college tuition for cash strapped students in the City University system. These were the denziens of Bloombergville who have put their lives on hold to camp out for several days around City Hall to try and make the connections between the growing push for cuts to education and vital public services even as the concentration of great wealth in America continues unabated.
So while Washington dithers there are plenty examples of leadership; conservative Republicans, Democrats, trade unionists and activists who are willing to put something at risk to get our mired nation unstuck.
Monday, June 27, 2011
I Am Sorry CityTime Investigation Over
Gone With the Papers
Posted on Jun 27, 2011
By Chris Hedges
I visited the Hartford Courant as a high school student. It was the first time I was in a newsroom. The Connecticut paper’s newsroom, the size of a city block, was packed with rows of metal desks, most piled high with newspapers and notebooks. Reporters banged furiously on heavy typewriters set amid tangled phone cords, overflowing ashtrays, dirty coffee mugs and stacks of paper, many of which were in sloping piles on the floor. The din and clamor, the incessantly ringing phones, the haze of cigarette and cigar smoke that lay over the feverish hive, the hoarse shouts, the bustle and movement of reporters, most in disheveled coats and ties, made it seem an exotic, living organism. I was infatuated. I dreamed of entering this fraternity, which I eventually did, for more than two decades writing for The Dallas Morning News, The Washington Post, The Christian Science Monitor and, finally, The New York Times, where I spent most of my career as a foreign correspondent.
Newsrooms today are anemic and forlorn wastelands. I was recently in the newsroom at The Philadelphia Inquirer, and patches of the floor, also the size of a city block, were open space or given over to rows of empty desks. These institutions are going the way of the massive rotary presses that lurked like undersea monsters in the bowels of newspaper buildings, roaring to life at night. The heavily oiled behemoths, the ones that spat out sheets of newsprint at lightning speed, once empowered and enriched newspaper publishers who for a few lucrative decades held a monopoly on connecting sellers with buyers. Now that that monopoly is gone, now that the sellers no long need newsprint to reach buyers, the fortunes of newspapers are declining as fast as the page counts of daily news sheets.
The great newspapers sustained legendary reporters such as I.F. Stone, Murray Kempton and Homer Bigart who wrote stories that brought down embezzlers, cheats, crooks and liars, who covered wars and conflicts, who told us about famines in Africa and the peculiarities of the French or what it was like to be poor and forgotten in our urban slums or Appalachia. These presses churned out raw lists of data, from sports scores to stock prices. Newspapers took us into parts of the city or the world we would never otherwise have seen or visited. Reporters and critics reviewed movies, books, dance, theater and music and covered sporting events. Newspapers printed the text of presidential addresses, sent reporters to chronicle the inner workings of City Hall and followed the courts and the police. Photographers and reporters raced to cover the lurid and the macabre, from Mafia hits to crimes of passion.
We are losing a peculiar culture and an ethic. This loss is impoverishing our civil discourse and leaving us less and less connected to the city, the nation and the world around us. The death of newsprint represents the end of an era. And news gathering will not be replaced by the Internet. Journalism, at least on the large scale of old newsrooms, is no longer commercially viable. Reporting is time-consuming and labor-intensive. It requires going out and talking to people. It means doing this every day. It means looking constantly for sources, tips, leads, documents, informants, whistle-blowers, new facts and information, untold stories and news. Reporters often spend days finding little or nothing of significance. The work can be tedious and is expensive. And as the budgets of large metropolitan dailies shrink, the very trade of reporting declines. Most city papers at their zenith employed several hundred reporters and editors and had operating budgets in the hundreds of millions of dollars. The steady decline of the news business means we are plunging larger and larger parts of our society into dark holes and opening up greater opportunities for unchecked corruption, disinformation and the abuse of power.
A democracy survives when its citizens have access to trustworthy and impartial sources of information, when it can discern lies from truth, when civic discourse is grounded in verifiable fact. And with the decimation of reporting these sources of information are disappearing. The increasing fusion of news and entertainment, the rise of a class of celebrity journalists on television who define reporting by their access to the famous and the powerful, the retreat by many readers into the ideological ghettos of the Internet and the ruthless drive by corporations to destroy the traditional news business are leaving us deaf, dumb and blind. The relentless assault on the “liberal press” by right-wing propaganda outlets such as Fox News or by the Christian right is in fact an assault on a system of information grounded in verifiable fact. And once this bedrock of civil discourse is eradicated, people will be free, as many already are, to believe whatever they want to believe, to pick and choose what facts or opinions suit their world and what do not. In this new world lies will become true.
I, like many who cared more about truth than news, was pushed out of The New York Times, specifically over my vocal and public opposition to the war in Iraq. This is not a new story. Those reporters who persistently challenge the orthodoxy of belief, who question and examine the reigning political passions, always tacitly embraced by the commercial media, are often banished. There is a constant battle in newsrooms between the managers, those who serve the interests of the institution and the needs of the advertisers, and reporters whose loyalty is to readers. I have a great affection for reporters, who hide their idealism behind a thin veneer of cynicism and worldliness. I also harbor a deep distrust and even loathing for the careerists who rise up the food chain to become managers and editors.
Sidney Schanberg was nearly killed in Cambodia in 1975 after staying there for The New York Times to cover the conquest of Phnom Penh by the Khmer Rouge, reporting for which he won a Pulitzer Prize. Later he went back to New York from Cambodia and ran the city desk. He pushed reporters to report about the homeless, the poor and the victims of developers who were forcing families out of their rent-controlled apartments. But it was not a good time to give a voice to the weak and the poor. The social movements built around the opposition to the Vietnam War had dissolved. Alternative publications, including the magazine Ramparts, which through a series of exposés had embarrassed the established media organizations into doing real reporting, had gone out of business.
The commercial press had, once again, become lethargic. It had less and less incentive to challenge the power elite. Many editors viewed Schanberg’s concerns as relics of a dead era. He was removed as city editor and assigned to write a column about New York. He used the column, however, to again decry the abuse of the powerful, especially developers. The then-editor of the paper, Abe Rosenthal, began to acidly refer to Schanberg as the resident “Commie” and address him as “St. Francis.” Rosenthal, who met William F. Buckley almost weekly for lunch along with the paper’s publisher, Arthur “Punch” Sulzberger, grew increasingly impatient with Schanberg, who was challenging the activities of their powerful friends. Schanberg became a pariah. He was not invited to the paper’s table at two consecutive Inner Circle dinners held for New York reporters. The senior editors and the publisher did not attend the previews for the film “The Killing Fields,” based on Schanberg’s experience in Cambodia. His days at the newspaper were numbered.
The city Schanberg profiled in his column did not look like the glossy ads in Rosenthal’s new lifestyle sections or the Sunday New York Times magazine. Schanberg’s city was one in which thousands of citizens were sleeping on the streets. It was one where there were lines at soup kitchens. It was a city where the mentally ill were thrown onto heating grates or into jails like human refuse. He wrote of people who were unable to afford housing. He lost his column and left the paper to work for New York Newsday and later The Village Voice.
Schanberg’s story was one of many. The best reporters almost always run afoul of the mandarins above them, a clash that sees them defanged and demoted or driven out. They are banished by a class of careerists whom the war correspondent Homer Bigart dismissed as “the pygmies.” One evening Bigart was assigned to write about a riot, drawing from the information provided by reporters on the scene. As one reporter, John Kifner, called in from a phone booth rioters began to shake it. Kifner relayed the distressing bit of news to Bigart, who, sick of the needling of his editors, reassumed Kifner with the words: “At least you’re dealing with sane people.”
Those who insist on reporting uncomfortable truths always try the patience of the careerists who manage these institutions. If they are too persistent, as most good reporters are, they become “a problem.” This battle, which exists in all newsrooms, was summed up for me by the Los Angeles Times reporter Dial Torgerson, whom I worked with in Central America until he was killed by a land mine on the border between Honduras and Nicaragua. “Always remember,” he once told me of newspaper editors, “they are the enemy.”
When I met with Schanberg in his apartment on Manhattan’s Upper West Side he told me, “I heard all kinds of reports over the years that the wealthy patrons of the Metropolitan Museum of Art would often get to use the customs clearance provided to the museum to import personal items, including jewelry, which was not going to the museum. I can’t prove this, but I believe it to be true. Would the Times investigate this? Not in a million years. The publisher at the time was the chairman of the board of the museum. These were his friends.”
But Schanberg also argues, as do I, that newspapers prove a vital bulwark for a democratic state. It is possible to decry their numerous failings and compromises with the power elite and yet finally honor them as important to the maintenance of democracy. Traditionally, if a reporter goes out and reports on an event, the information is usually trustworthy and accurate. The report can be slanted or biased. It can leave out vital facts. But it is not fiction. The day The New York Times and other great city newspapers die, if such a day comes, will be a black day for the nation.
Newspapers “do more than anyone else, although they left out a lot of things,” Schanberg said. “There are stories on their blackout list. But it is important the paper is there because they spend money on what they chose to cover. Most of the problem of mainstream journalism is what they leave out. But what they do, aside from the daily boiler plate, press releases and so forth, is very, very important to the democratic process.”
“Papers function as a guide to newcomers, to immigrants, as to what the ethos is, what the rules are, how we are supposed to behave,” Schanberg added. “That is not always good, obviously, because this is the consensus of the Establishment. But papers, probably more in the earlier years than now, print texts of things people will never see elsewhere. It tells them what you have to do to cast a vote. It covers things like the swearing in of immigrants. They are a positive force. I don’t think The New York Times was ever a fully committed accountability paper. I am not sure there is one. I don’t know who coined the phrase Afghanistanism, but it fits for newspapers. Afghanistanism means you can cover all the corruption you find in Afghanistan, but don’t try to do it in your own backyard. The Washington Post does not cover Washington. It covers official Washington. The Times ignores lots of omissions and worse by members of the Establishment.”
“Newspapers do not erase bad things,” Schanberg went on. “Newspapers keep the swamp from getting any deeper, from rising higher. We do it in spurts. We discover the civil rights movement. We discover the women’s rights movement. We go at it hellbent because now it is kosher to write about those who have been neglected and treated like half citizens. And then when things calm down it becomes easy not to do that anymore.”
The death of newspapers means, as Schanberg points out, that we will lose one more bulwark holding back the swamp of corporate malfeasance, abuse and lies. It will make it harder for us as a society to separate illusion from reality, fact from opinion, reality from fantasy. There is nothing, of course, intrinsically good about newspapers. We have long been cursed with sleazy tabloids and the fictional stories of the supermarket press, which have now become the staple of television journalism. The commercial press, in the name of balance and objectivity, had always skillfully muted the truth in the name of news or blotted it out. But the loss of great newspapers, newspapers that engage with the community, means the loss of one of the cornerstones of our open, democratic state. We face the prospect, in the very near future, of major metropolitan cities without city newspapers. This loss will diminish our capacity for self-reflection and take away the critical tools we need to monitor what is happening around us.
The leaders of the civil rights movement grasped from the start that without a press willing to attend their marches and report fairly from their communities on the injustices they decried and the repression they suffered, the movement would “have been a bird without wings,” as civil rights leader and U.S. Rep. John Lewis said.
“Without the media’s willingness to stand in harm’s way and starkly portray events of the Movement as they saw them unfold, Americans may never have understood or even believed the horrors that African Americans faced in the Deep South,” Lewis, a Georgia Democrat, said in 2005 when the House celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act. “That commitment to publish the truth took courage. It was incredibly dangerous to be seen with a pad, a pen, or a camera in Mississippi, Alabama or Georgia where the heart of the struggle took place. There was a violent desperation among local and State officials and the citizens to maintain the traditional order. People wanted to keep their injustice a secret. They wanted to hide from the critical eye of a disapproving world. They wanted to flee from the convictions of their own conscience. And they wanted to destroy the ugly reflection that nonviolent protestors and camera images so graphically displayed. So when the Freedom Riders climbed off the bus in Alabama in 1961, for example, there were reporters who were beaten and bloodied before any of us were.”
Our political apparatus and systems of information have been diminished and taken hostage by corporations. Our government no longer responds to the needs or rights of citizens. We have been left disempowered without the traditional mechanisms to be heard. Those who battle the corporate destruction of the ecosystem and seek to protect the remnants of our civil society must again take to the streets. They have to engage in acts of civil disobedience. But this time around the media and the systems of communication have dramatically changed.
The death of journalism, the loss of reporters on the airwaves and in print who believed the plight of the ordinary citizen should be reported, means that it will be harder for ordinary voices and dissenters to reach the wider public. The preoccupation with news as entertainment and the loss of sustained reporting will effectively marginalize and silence those who seek to be heard or to defy established power. Protests, unlike in the 1960s, will have a difficult time garnering the daily national coverage that characterized the reporting on the civil rights movement and the anti-war movement and in the end threatened the power elite. Acts of protest, no longer covered or barely covered, will leap up like disconnected wildfires, more easily snuffed out or ignored. It will be hard if not impossible for resistance leaders to have their voices amplified across the nation, to build a national movement for change. The failings of newspapers were huge, but in the years ahead, as the last battle for democracy means dissent, civil disobedience and protest, we will miss them.
Chris Hedges is a weekly Truthdig columnist and a fellow at The Nation Institute. His newest book is “The World As It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress.”

AP / Joseph Kaczmarek
The newsroom of the Philadelphia Inquirer in 2009, the year the paper filed for bankruptcy.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Gay Pride parade marches through NewNew York City; cheers Governor Cuomo for gay marriage law
video by Rafael Martínez Alequín
video by Rafael Martínez Alequín
Architect admits gift to former White House urban czar Adolfo Carrion
Sunday, June 26th 2011, 4:00 AM

A Bronx architect says he did not bill ex-White House urban czar Adolfo Carrion for work on his home as a gift to the public official, the Daily News has learned.
"He got from me a gift because I didn't send him a bill. That's the way it is," architect Hugo Subotovsky told the Daily News.
This contradicts the statement Carrion made when The News first revealed the arrangement in March 2009. At the time, Carrion said he hadn't paid Subotovsky because the architect had yet to finish a "final survey."
At issue is whether the non-payment broke any laws. City officials can't take gifts from anyone they know "is or intends to become engaged in business dealings with the city."
Subotovsky gave Carrion his "gift" in 2006 and 2007, when Carrion was still Bronx borough president. President Obama later made Carrion his "urban czar."
While working on Carrion's home, Subotovsky had several building projects that needed the beep's approval.
Carrion would also be required to report outside income, and there's no mention on his financial disclosure forms of the work.
Carrion has since left the White House to run the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's northeast office.
Subotovsky's work on Carrion's home ended in early 2007, yet Carrion made no payments on it until more than two years later in April 2009 - days after The News revealed the arrangement.
In a recent interview, Subotovsky said Carrion had asked him to draft blueprints for a front porch redesign of a Victorian two-family home Carrion had bought on City Island.
Though he did not usually handle such small jobs, Subotovsky says he took the job anyway.
At the time, several of his big developments in the Bronx needed Carrion's backing.
Borough presidents can block projects by recommending that the planning commission reject them.
Carrion had approved some of Subotovsky's projects at the time the architect was working on his house. Other Subotovsky projects awaited Carrion's signature.
On Jan. 22, 2007, for instance, records show Subotovsky handled documents related to Carrion's house on the same day a housing development he was designing sent plans to Carrion for his approval.
Subotovsky last filed documents with the city regarding Carrion's home in February 2007. At one point, he said, Carrion's wife emailed him about the cost of the job.
Subotovsky said he did not send Carrion a bill, and neither Carrion nor his wife made further inquiries on payment.
That changed after The News story appeared. The White House told Carrion to pay the bill, and several days later, Carrion said he did.
Carrion left the White House for HUD in May 2010. He declined requests for comment.
Subotovsky said after The News story appeared, Carrion contacted him about a bill. Subotovsky said he sent an invoice for $4,200 and Carrion paid it.
After The News story in March 2009, both the Bronx District Attorney and the city Department of Investigation opened probes. Subotovsky said he was questioned by both.
Bronx DA spokesman Steven Reed said the review was closed because "no evidence of any wrongdoing on (Carrion's) part developed during the inquiry."
The DOI's inquiry remains open, sources familiar with the matter say.
Historic vote to legalize gay marriage in New York State may have ripple effect across country
BY Jake Pearson, Kenneth Lovett and Jonathan Lemire
Sunday, June 26th 2011, 4:00 AM

The historic vote to legalize same-sex marriage in New York is expected to bring up to an extra 1 million jubilant marchers to Sunday's Pride parade - and it may set off a national ripple effect.
The bill's passage late Friday sparked celebrations throughout the city that will reach their crescendo on Sunday afternoon as a record crowd shimmies its way down Fifth Ave. and into the West Village, rejoicing in their newfound rights.
"It's going to be truly historic," said Chris Frederick, director of Heritage of Pride, which organizes the march. "It's going to harken back to the first march back in 1970. I'd expect between 500,000 to a million more. What I foresee happening, people are going to come from all over the Northeast corridor. People are really revved up to show support for this bill passing.
"I think there's going to be so much joy in the air," he said. "It's going to be just really exciting."
The march, the conclusion of the city's annual Pride Week, could be the final part of a powerful message sent from the halls of Albany, which many activists feel could quickly spread throughout the land.
"[New York] is a big win that gives us huge momentum," said Brian Ellner, of the Human Rights Coalition, who said advocates would next focus on Maryland, Rhode Island and Maine.
New York became the sixth state in the nation to allow same-sex marriage only after four Republican state senators defied their party and voted in favor of the marriage equality bill - which could serve as a blueprint for other states, Ellner said. "It's going to take a bipartisan coalition to get it done, whether it's most statehouses or Congress."
Gov. Cuomo, who received national accolades for steering the bill to victory, used his political popularity as a mandate and relentlessly lobbied Republican senators, leading to the eventual 33-29 margin.
Cuomo spoke candidly about how his own views changed - he formerly just supported civil unions, not gay marriage - and predicted that President Obama may follow suit.
"I think you are going to see an evolution toward this position on all levels," Cuomo said. "New York made a powerful statement, not just for the people of New York, but people all across this nation."
Obama enthusiastically addressed an LGBT conference in the city on Thursday but stopped short of supporting same-sex marriage, saying it was an issue for state governments to decide. Some political observers have theorized the President will endorse the measure after the 2012 election.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Albany Shocks World by Bringing Gay Marriage to New York
Good Lord, how often is it the New York state legislature makes you proud?
The Republican-controlled state Senate voted 32-29 late Friday night to bring gay marriage to New York. The vote came after a long, messy week in which the Republicans fretted endlessly about whether Hasidic florists would be forced to provide flowers to gay weddings, but in the end, they came through and actually did something that was cutting edge and at least a little bit brave. Can't remember the last time that happened.
There was that time in 1970 -- I wasn't actually here, but I've been told -- that the lawmakers passed a groundbreaking abortion rights law. The bill seemed doomed to lose on a tie vote in the House until George Michaels, who represented a conservative upstate district, rose and announced, near tears, that he was voting yes. "I realize I am terminating my political career, but I cannot in good conscience sit here and allow my vote to be the one that defeats this bill," he said.
Michaels was right about his political career. It's not really likely anyone in the state Senate will have to make that kind of sacrifice. The public is way ahead of the pols on this one.
But maybe you could argue that the 2011 George Michaels was Senator Roy McDonald of Saratoga, a Republican who was the first to announce that he was changing his vote to "yes."
"Well, fuck it, I don't care what you think. I'm trying to do the right thing," he told reporters. It wasn't "Give me liberty or give me death," but it was very Albany.
Playing the part usually reserved for the Archbishop of New York was the Archbishop of New York, Timothy Dolan, who penned an opinion piece claiming that the legislature was behaving like the government of North Korea, a comparison that seemed to smack of a bit of desperation.
It's easy to overestimate the amount of political courage it required for former opponents to flip on this highly charged issue. (Queens Democrat Carl Kruger would have found it hard to maintain his anti-gay-marriage stance once it was revealed that he shares his own home with two male gynecologists and their mother.)
Wavering lawmakers were given polls showing that their constituents wanted the bill to pass. Even more important, wealthy Republican donors promised financial support for gay marriage backers.
But there's never going to be a danger that New Yorkers would overestimate the virtues of their state legislators. This is the rare, rare moment when we get to acknowledge that they actually have some. Good for them. And good for Gov. Andrew Cuomo, for making this a top priority and figuring out how to push the gay marriage bill through.
It's a big, big deal. The country is ready to acknowledge the right of gay couples to marry. For young people, it's a no-brainer. For those of us who are older, a lifetime of experience has taught us that gay Americans are our friends, our neighbors, our relatives, and maybe our children. But change has been thwarted by the structure of our politics, which give disproportionate strength to tiny slivers of voters.
We needed some stalwart lawmakers to break the jam. Who would have imagined we'd find them in Albany?
Senate OKs plan allowing livery cabs to accept borough street hails
BY Glenn Blain
Saturday, June 25th 2011, 4:00 AM

ALBANY - Throw your hand up, Mayor Bloomberg finally won one in Albany!
His plan to allow livery cab drivers to accept street hails in the outer boroughs finally got approval from the Senate last night - a gift to residents still fuming over the city's botched response to the Dec. 26 blizzard.
The Assembly approved the proposal earlier in the week.
The Legislature, on its final night of the session, also adopted a four-year extension of the state's rent regulations, a cap on property tax increases - and tuition hikes at SUNY and CUNY.
Starting in January, livery drivers can take street hails in the outer boroughs and in upper Manhattan - so long as they charge passengers the same 50-cent-per-ride MTA surcharge that yellow cab drivers charge.
"You had to make it a level playing field," said state Sen. Martin Golden (R-Brooklyn), who sponsored the bill.
The measure now heads to Gov. Cuomo, who has yet to take a position on it, spokesman Josh Vlasto said.
Bloomberg, who hurriedly introduced the measure last weekend, argued the measure would improve taxi service outside of Manhattan - and would provide up to $1 billion in new tax revenue for the city.
"Starting next year, transportation options for New Yorkers who live in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and upper Manhattan will improve dramatically," Bloomberg said in a statement.
Hizzoner's team estimated the new deal would also generate millions for the cash-strapped MTA.
The legislation authorizes up to 30,000 permits for livery drivers to pick up street hails in parts of upper Manhattan and the other boroughs. The permits would cost $1,500.
The bill also allows the Taxi and Limousine Commission to sell up to 1,500 new yellow cab medallions.
Yellow cab drivers complained the measure would deprive them of business and dilute the value of their medallions.
"Today, the state Senate made a terrible mistake that, if not corrected, will upend the 100-year-old yellow taxicab industry," the Metropolitan Taxicab Board of Trade said in a statement.
Golden held out hope those concerns could still be addressed before the law takes effect.
Bloomberg's proposal came after he was rebuked by state lawmakers this year on key issues of pension reform, state aid cuts and changing the last-in-first-out law governing teacher layoffs.
Friday, June 24, 2011
New York Civil Liberties Union - Breaking News

Dear Rafael
You did it! Today, New York State made history when the State Senate passed historic legislation that will allow lesbian and gay couples to marry in New York State.
This is a great victory for basic fairness and equality. New York will now become the largest state to allow lesbian and gay couples the right to marry!
Our elected officials - Democrats and Republicans alike - have stood on the right side of history by supporting fairness and equality for all New Yorkers. The State Assembly has repeatedly passed marriage legislation, and Governor Cuomo has made it a top priority.
This victory for families and human rights could not have happened without you! You've lobbied, made phone calls, written emails, and sent faxes. Please take one more moment now to find out how your elected official voted, and to say thank you if your senator voted to pass the marriage bill. Contact your state senator now and let them know that you appreciate their important stand!
And then go celebrate. In fact, join us on Sunday at NYC Pride. The NYCLU contingent will gather at noon at 38th Street and 5th Avenue in Manhattan.
While all New Yorkers should be proud today, we still have work to do - countless lesbian and gay people throughout the nation are still legally prohibited from protecting their families and marrying the person they love. And in New York, the NYCLU will continue its legal challenge to the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act, a law that bars the federal government from recognizing the legal marriages of same-sex couples. Tonight we celebrate. Tomorrow the work goes on.
Thank you for all you do,
The Staff of the New York Civil Liberties Union
Gay marriage legal in New York State after Senate passes historic bill 33-29
BY Glenn Blain and Kenneth Lovett
Friday, June 24th 2011, 10:42 PM

ALBANY - New York made history last night as the State Senate voted "aye" on gay marriage.
Senators passed the bill 33 to 29 as the normally somnolent chambers erupted in a raucous chant of "USA! USA!"
"As I have said many times, this is a very difficult issue and it will be a vote of conscience for every member of the Senate," said GOP Majority Leader Dean Skelos (R-Nassau).
New York joined Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Iowa and Washington, D.C., in legally recognizing gay marriage.
"I'm verklempt," said a nervously optimistic Assemblyman Matthew Titone (D-S.I), one of five openly gay state lawmakers prior to the vote. "I'm still in a state of disbelief."
The Assembly passed the bill last week for the fourth time since 2007.
It was only two years ago that gay marriage was easily defeated in the then Democrat-controlled Senate. Now, the rush to the altar could begin 30 days after Gov. Cuomo, who made gay marriage a priority, signs the bill.
For gay couples, marriage means more than just swapping rings.
For the first time they qualify for the same 1,324 state marriage benefits afforded to straight couples.
Same-sex couples are not eligible for federal marriage benefits because of the Defense of Marriage Act.
Advocates on both sides of the issue have for days lined the hallways around the Senate praying, chanting and singing.
"This is one of the basic steps toward being considered first-class citizens," said Erik Ross, 30, a gay student from Albany.
Opponents vowed political retribution for GOP senators who voted in favor of the bill.
"If it passes, we feel it's going to ruin our state and our country," said Dawn Adams, a coordinator of the Norwich Tea Party Patriots.
Going into last night's vote, 31 senators, including two Republicans, were supporting the gay marriage bill - one shy of the 32 needed for passage.
All eyes were on a small group of undecided senators, particularly Stephen Saland (R-Poughkeepsie), whose wife - who is viewed as sympathetic to the cause - came to the Capitol, giving supporters hope.
Republicans agonized over the vote for weeks. Some opposed it on religious or moral grounds while others feared promised Conservative Party backlash could cost the GOP its already razor-thin majority next year.
Divided Republican senators discussed whether to bring the controversial bill to the floor for six hours behind closed doors yesterday, Sen. Kemp Hannon (R-Nassau) said.
Sources said a small group of senators led by Syracuse Republican John DeFrancisco were arguing to bypass a floor vote in favor of a public referendum.
In the end, many felt it better to clear the contentious issue off the table before next year's elections.
The decision also came after Cuomo and legislative leaders agreed on language to ensure that religious groups cannot be sued if they refuse to cater to gay couples.
It would also block the state from penalizing, discriminating against or denying benefits to religious groups. They would not be stripped of their tax-exempt status or their property tax breaks.
Even with the protections, the state's Catholic bishops, led by Archbishop Timothy Dolan vehemently opposed passage of a gay marriage bill, calling it "bad for society."
"Marriage has always been, is now, and always will be the union of one man and one woman in a lifelong, life-giving union," the bishops said in a statement. "Government does not have the authority to change this most basic of truths."
Passage of gay marriage was a huge political victory for Cuomo.
The freshman governor traveled the state trying to rally support.
He brought the major gay lobby groups together into a unified coalition - and coordinated their efforts.
And the Democrat repeatedly met with reticent GOP senators trying to allay their fears and worked personally with them on the religious exemption language.