Thursday, July 17, 2008


Home Blog
Don't Poop on The Bronx

Dear Neighbor:I love pets and dogs in particular. However, dog poop is everywhere and this no laughing matter.
This quality of life and health issue has been brought to light in a recent newspaper report in which New York City Sanitation Department officials said that un-scooped dog poop has now become a citywide problem, but it is most severe in The Bronx!

As the President of Soundview Healthcare Network for the past 30 years, I know that this is not only a quality of life issue, but a health hazard. The last thing I want to do, or ask anyone to do, is scoop dog poop. But we need to underscore the severity of this problem. We need to show others that dog poop must be picked up!

I am asking you to join “Don’t Poop on the Bronx Brigade”, an army of citizens-all volunteers-that will circulate in neighborhoods across the borough to scoop the poop and hopefully set the example for what we all must do as dog owners (myself included) to keep our sidewalks and streets poop-free. Also, our army will demand increased fines for violators and more enforcement from Sanitation and Parks officials. I will supply the scoopers and trash bags. You supply the people-power.

Please join me and your fellow residents in the “Don’t Poop on The Bronx Brigade” so we can get to work. Show your pride and civic duty. Please call my Assistant, Rosita Garcia at 347-226-4481. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.

Yours in Bronx Pride, Pedro Espada, Jr.


YFP Editorial:

We are delighted that Mr. Espada is concerned about dog poop. Hopefully, this is not connected to a "scoop poop for votes" agenda.

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