'FRIEND' WITH BENEFITS? Shephard's MySpace pageIs this the MySpace page of Rudy Giuliani's mistress?
In its new issue, the National Enquirer reports that Starr Shephard, a 36-year-old motivational speaker from Houston, "is being accused of telling friends that she is Rudy's new lover." There are some caveats: Giuliani denies it, and Shephard herself says it's not true and that she's only met the former New York mayor and would-be president at campaign events.
Presumably, it was at one of those events that Shephard and Giuliani posed for the photo featured on her MySpace page. (She also has snaps of herself with Larry King and Donald Trump.) Above the photos, there is a link to a page urging visitors to donate to Giuliani's campaign; below them, there is this statement: "Believing unswervingly in the Honorable Rudy Giuliani to lead our nation and for his legacy of excellence and optimistic spirit for America to influence generations to come. His excellence, discipline, management, belief, optimism, and compassion to our citizens will protect and advance our One Nation under God. God Bless America for his power."
Elsewhere on the site, you can learn about Shephard's star sign (Pisces), body type (five feet, four inches/athletic), MySpace friends (Tony Robbins, Bill O'Reilly fans), and favorite books (including Leadership by, yes, R. Giuliani).
Starr will be in New York City to give a motivational, inspirational whatever in August. The following is an excerpt from her promotional ad.
Email now to schedule apt while she is in town. New York City - Mid town - August 18,19.
Apt. $200 hour to change your life and create the life you really want to LOVE. STARR Shephard, Masters of Science Clinical Psychology/Marriage-Family Therapy, Demartini Consultant (psychological paradigm to a new level), author for woman's handbook Girls Gals and Gurus motivational speaker seminar leader/keynote speaker The seven area's of our life must balance to receive the gifts of abundance that will fulfill our hearts innermost desires. All ages, any profession.
Everyone with a mind and a heart are welcomed to shine with STARR's inspiration. "Love Yourself as much as God loves you" "Believe in your true potential, live with vivid clarity, fulfill your inspiring mission, and definitely LOVE and be GRATEFUL to what you do" -STARR
Location: Midtown Manhattan
Everyone with a mind and a heart are welcomed to shine with STARR's inspiration. "Love Yourself as much as God loves you" "Believe in your true potential, live with vivid clarity, fulfill your inspiring mission, and definitely LOVE and be GRATEFUL to what you do" -STARR
Location: Midtown Manhattan