Vice President Joe Biden. (photo: Sun Sentinel)
17 October 15

In an e-mail sent to potential donors, the former
Senator Ted Kaufman, a longtime friend and confidant of the
Vice-President, wrote that “Joe is still trying to sort things out,” but
promised that his decision will come “no later than January, 2017.”
“Joe is trying to decide whether running for President
is a good idea, or, conversely, whether it is a bad idea,” Kaufman
wrote. “He is very grateful to all of you for your patience as he works
through this process, and he promises that he’ll have big news for you
by next January.”
“My message to you today is, hang in there,” he wrote.
Kaufman acknowledged that deciding to run for
President a full two months after the election “would complicate Joe’s
path to the White House,” but promised, “If, in January, Joe decides
he’s in, he will be all in. And we hope you’ll be with him.”