Monday, October 8, 2007


Beauty Blogger Belatedly Canned For Saying Something Marginally Offensive
Later, Hater!

Breaking! Glamour’s former beauty blogger once said something that was inadvertently offensive to black people. Naturally, she’s promptly fired, a mere six weeks after the fact.
ALWAYS composed Cindi Leive - the Glamour editrix who presides over the American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME) - shocked staffers at a recent editorial meeting when she became “outraged” and “furious” at fashion editor Ashley Baker. Leive had just read a story in American Lawyer magazine, which reported that during a presentation in June to a group of women at a law firm, Baker had declared that “dreadlocks or Afros are a definite ‘no.’ “

As for us, we can’t decide what’s more shocking. The fact that Glamour magazine had a hidden follicle bigot in their midsts, or that EIC Cindi Leive is only just learning about all this now, despite the fact that the story is six weeks old, and Baker blogged about the now infamous presentation the very same day it happened.

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