Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sochi Hotel Guests Complain About Topless Portraits of Putin in Rooms

The Borowitz Report

February 6, 2014

SOCHI (The Borowitz Report)—With the Olympics underway, hundreds of visitors to Sochi are complaining that they checked into expensive hotel rooms only to find them decorated with seminude portraits of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The portraits, showing Mr. Putin shirtless and riding a variety of mammals, adorn the walls of virtually every hotel room constructed especially for the Olympics and were created at a cost of over two million dollars, Olympic officials said.
Tracy Klugian, who travelled from Ohio with his wife to attend the Sochi Games, said that he was appalled to find his hotel room dominated by a gigantic portrait of a shirtless Putin riding what appears to be a bear.
Said Mr. Klugian, “I did not travel thousands of miles just to be grossed out.”
For his part, President Putin has been dismissive of the complaints, today calling the hotel guests “babies who cry.”
“These people who are complaining about what is on their walls should be grateful,” he said. “At least they got one of the hotel rooms with walls.”
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Photograph by Dmitry Astakhov/AP.

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