!['Fifty-seven percent in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll say they'd back a run by Clinton to succeed Barack Obama.' (photo: Reuters) 'Fifty-seven percent in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll say they'd back a run by Clinton to succeed Barack Obama.' (photo: Reuters)](http://rsnorg.org/images/stories/article_imgs8/8474-hillary-clinton-flag-090212.jpg)
'Fifty-seven percent in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll say they'd back a run by Clinton to succeed Barack Obama.' (photo: Reuters)
Run, Hillary, Run
09 December12
Here's what I mean. I suspect that the next four years
will go rather nicely for my side. The economy shows every sign of
turning around and, one hopes, going like gangbusters three years hence.
Obamacare will be implemented. Taxes - tax rates - will have
been hiked. Immigration reform may well have been enacted. With a
ridiculous amount of luck, a carbon tax. And all that will have been on
top of Dodd-Frank, the equal pay act, and the other first-Obama-term
accomplishments. We stand a decent chance, come 2016, of looking back on
a pretty darn good eight years.
Well, that's my "we." There's another we - the we on
the other side of the ideological parking lot, who'll be looking back on
eight years of unmitigated socialistic disaster that they'll be aching
to undo. They'll be desperate to get the top tax rate back down as low
as they can get it. They'll be itching to repeal Dodd-Frank, or at the
very least eliminate its most visible and progressive manifestation, the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. They'll be pining to roll back
myriad rules and regulations that don't get much press attention but
have certainly helped make a more progressive country in areas like
labor, the environment, energy, and more. And they'll never stop poking
at Obamacare's perimeter fence, looking for weaknesses.
Whatever ooey-gooey, reasonable-sounding verbiage they
employ to get to the White House in 2016, the fact is that their agenda
will be just as I describe it above. This rapacious leopard won't
change its spots that drastically in a mere four years. They'll do a
better job of hiding it than Mitt Romney did, but they'll want to take
the country in a radical direction and erase the past years the way as
Ramses wanted the name of Moses scraped from the obelisks.
So the Democrats collectively will have a job to do in
2016, or several jobs. There will be many gains to be protected. And
new gains to win. Obamacare, if anything (listen up, conservatives!),
will need to be expanded, given that the original subsidies in the bill
are a tad parsimonious. The battle over taxes will continue, as will the
fight over the future health of the Social Security and Medicare
systems. And - just sayin' - Antonin Scalia and Anthony Kennedy will
both turn 81 in 2017.
The presidency was once described by some historians
as a prize, won in one election by this team, in another by that team.
The metaphor suggests that elections are discrete and separate from one
another and that the stakes aren't much greater than those encountered
on a game show. But that's not the case anymore. Prize is the wrong
metaphor for how we ought to see the presidency today. Now, we ought to
see it as an instrument through which progress can either be advanced or
retarded, and rather than thinking of each election victory as a prize,
we ought to think of each as a step on a continuum.
This will be especially true in 2016, when a
Republican victory would put at mortal risk the gains of the Obama
years. So the next election will be no time to leave all this to chance -
or to Andrew Cuomo or Martin O'Malley or even to Joe Biden. Hillary has to do it.
She could handily beat the whole parade of Republicans. They're
children next to her. None of them is even in her weight class except
for Jeb Bush, but he seems to me pretty easily disposed of with one
question: "Okay, America, you're being the given the choice to extend
either Bill Clinton's presidency or George W. Bush's. Which way do you
want to go?"
The circumstances have to be right, of course. I could
be wrong about the next four years. But if I'm not, it will be the case
not only that Hillary could run - it will be the case that she must
run. The Democratic Party's leaders and money people won't be able to
force others not to run, but they should do everything within their
power to signal to the political world that it's Hillary and just get on
the damn bus. As someone I know rather well said back in 2001, it's Hillary's Turn.
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