Friday, August 24, 2012

 Romney's Diarrhea of the Mouth

“Now I love being home in this place where Ann and I were raised, where both of us were born,” Mr. Romney said, standing alongside his wife, Ann, and his running mate, Representative Paul D. Ryan. “Ann was born in Henry Ford Hospital. I was born in Harper Hospital. No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place that we were born and raised.”

The Obama campaign quickly responded, with spokesman Ben LaBolt saying that Romney was embracing the most extreme elements in the conservative movement.
"Throughout this campaign, Governor Romney has embraced the most strident voices in his party instead of standing up to them," he said. "It's one thing to give the stage in Tampa to Donald Trump, Sheriff Arpaio, and Kris Kobach. But Governor Romney's decision to directly enlist himself in the birther movement should give pause to any rational voter across America."

1 comment:

stanchaz said...

Yeah, sure fella, we just love your
off-the-cuff attempts at "humor".
But tell us more, Mitt.
Why don't you explain to us 
how and why your More-mon-ey Grandpa 
packed up and moved to live in Mexico...
in order to evade the oh-so-harsh 
monogamy laws back here in the good ole USA? sure seems to me that YOUR family 
has a long HISTORY of various offshore 
or foreign evasions of various types...
whether they be birther-relatd,
or marital-related, 
or tax-related.
Why don’t you
show us THOSE  birth certificates,
AND foreign tax shelters,
AND secret Swiss accounts,
AND tax returns?
People like you Mitt,
who live in multiple glass houses,
should be very very careful when they start
slinging attack-humor stones, dear boy.
They could backfire...