Thursday, December 18, 2014

Puerto Rican Leaders Applaud Obama's Decision on Cuba

De Blasio with Puerto Rico’s Gov. Alejandro Garcia Padilla in Old San Juan. (AP Photo/Ricardo Arduengo)

San Juan, Dec 17 (Prensa Latina) Puerto Rican governor, Alejandro Garcia applauded today the decision of United States President Barack Obama, to re-establish diplomatic relations with Cuba.
In this regard, Garcia warned that Puerto Rico should be 'increasingly ready" due to the competition that will generate the change in the economic arena.

"I firstly congratulated President Obama as he again made us look well', he said.

The announcement of the re-establishment of the diplomatic relations in Washington by the US leader was in parallel with the one made in Havana by Cuban President Raul Castro, however it does not include the end of the economic blockade imposed on Cuba in 1962.

On the same line, the president of the Puerto Rican Independence Party, Ruben Berrios, considered the announce marks the beginning of the end of arrogance and aggression against the island.

"This is the beginning of the end of a policy of arrogance and aggression against Cuba, which will have far reaching consequences in Latin America and the Caribbean", he stated.

"Now it is needed the rectification in relation to Puerto Rico', he added.

He pointed out that isolation did not work with Cuba just as colonialism does not work in Puerto Rico.

Obama has reworked his government's position because the U.S. position on Cuba -always contrary to the interests of Cuba - is also contrary to the interests of the United States.

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