Thursday, August 19, 2010

Freddy Ferrer To Back Pedro Espada Rival For Bronx Senate Seat

The chief primary rival to controversial state Sen. Pedro Espada, Jr. has won the key backing of former Bronx Borough President Fernando Ferrer.



Ferrer is scheduled to publicly announce today his support of Gustavo Rivera, one of two Bronx Democrats challenging Espada in the Sept. 14 primary.

“If there is any year where there is a clear moral political test, this is the one and this is the race, so I could not sit on the sidelines,” Ferrer said.

Rivera worked on Ferrer’s 2005 failed mayoral campaign. In backing Rivera, Ferrer cited the myriad of investigations and controversies involving Espada, the Senate’s majority leader.

“His scofflaw attitude toward most everything is embarassing to me as somebody who represented the Bronx for nearly 15 years,” he said.

“This is someone who richly deserves to be retired from politics and I’m glad I found a candidate of exceptional worth to challenge him and to support.”

Rivera has been building up key support from elected officials and unions in his effort to oust Espada. While no longer in office, Ferrer is still popular on the streets of the Bronx.

Rivera said he was “proud” to receive Ferrer’s support.“He’s part of the inspiration of what I think Latino leadership should be and one of the folks who opened the door for us,” Rivera.

Espada said he could care less what types of endorsement Rivera is getting, saying the “this contest at the end of the day is between the majority leader of the Senate, yours truly, and two other candidates.”

“All other people can align themselves in every which way they want, but I am very optimistic and very thrilled at the support I’ve been getting from the people that matter” in the district.

Dan Padernacht is the third Democrat in the three-way primary.

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