Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ferrer Backs Gustavo Rivera In The N Y State 33rd Senatorial District

"I am here today because I represented the Bronx and this district for 15 years as Borough President and I cannot stand by when there there is such a clear moral contest," said Ferrer. " We need leaders who will fight for our community, not take from our community. We need representatives who will restore dignity to Albany and put their constituents first. We need leaders like Gustavo Rivera, and I am proud to stand beside him and offer my support. When asked that Senator Espada, claim that the reason he was under investigation was because he was Puertorican, both Ferrer and Rivera answered that both are proud Puertorican.

"It's been almost ten years since I first knocked on doors throughout the Bronx for Freddy and it is an incredible honor to received his backing today," said Rivera. This community has a lot of challenges and they need someone in Albany who stands up to the slumlords, not someone who takes their money to look the other way. Like Freddy, I will work for the interest of the people of the 33rd senatorial district, not the special interests."

Watch this video for the entired news-conference:

video by Rafael Martínez Alequín

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