Thursday, March 8, 2007


Some years ago, a blackout paralyzed the Washington Heights neighborhood in upper Manhattan. Area merchants and residents suffered tremendous loss both economically and emotionally. Small grocery store owners and supermarkets were particularly hard hit. But they had then Mayor Rudolph Giuliani who took the utility company, better known as Con Edison to task. The first three letters of the utility company, accurately describes CON Ed. The American Heritage Dictionary states the word CON is described “as a swindle, or defraud (a victim) by first winning their confidence.” This in essence is apropos to the Con Ed monopoly.

Since last year's blackout in Queens, N.Y., Con Edison has conned the Queens merchants by arbitrarily paying them a meager fraction of the loss suffered from Con Ed's negligence. The question is why billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg defended Con Ed from the beginning. He was the number one cheerleader lauding the actions of Con Edison CEO, Burke. In the eye of our wealthy mayor, this monopolistic company can’t do any wrong. On March 5, the mayor held a press briefing. During his question and answer period. He became very testy, when he was asked about Con Edison, imposing a 3/1/2% raise on their customers as well as another raise in 2008. Bloomberg, curtly berated the reporter for asking the question, and proceeded to say that Con Edison was a for profit company.

Contrary, to former Mayor Giuliani who fought Con Edison's scheme to defraud the small business community of Washington Heights, Bloomberg took a different tact. It seems that he is more concerned about the big corporation’s bottom line, than the plight of hard working New Yorkers. Watch the Bloomberg video. Click the following link below.

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