Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Rudy b.911 was known to terrorize the press. Occasionally the press terrorized him. But when Rudy was angry, walls shook, writers cowered and silence prevailed. He was indeed the CEO of City Hall. Except, the press did not work for him. He guarded his private life and any hint of an intrusion met with a verbal tirade. The following clip reveals the real Rudy. Not the sanitized presidential candidate who softly pled for privacy regarding his family strife last week. It is no longer 1998. The problem this time around is that his personal life is the nation's business. Will he react in the same manner this time? The cameras are rolling Rudy, the cameras are rolling..... Click on the link below to view an angry Rudy. Rudy In The Raw (9)


1 comment:

  1. I could see why Rudy felt insulted from the question asked by a reported presented in your video, after all, he probably needed to guard his privacy since his domestic life would have turned the members of the Christian Coalition to raise an eye brow or two. As a presidential candidate he has to be prepare for more instrusive questions about his private life. Family values is an issue that is still very strong in the politics of the USA. His son's latest commend about his father lack of parenting or poor parenting, makes me think that family values are very low in Rudy's list of priorities. I was struck by the way he broke the news to the press about his plans to divorce his wife, before telling her, and taking romantic walks in New York City with his then girlfriend while still married. I wounder if the way he conduct his private life will model his style of governing America. I would not like to hear crucial announcement affecting the nation's security after the event has taken place. I also think the vows of marriage command more respect than that. I would be interested in having Rudy answer this question since he is asking me to vote him into the highest office of this nation. Lourdes
