Jon Stewart. (photo: Brad Barket/Getty)
Stewart Rips 'Bullshitocracy' in Finale
08 August 15
His nemeses joshed him, his family was there, but Jon Stewart’s cheery signoff from The Daily Show also included a resounding condemnation of ‘Bullshitocracy.’
Stewart’s generally lighthearted mood—pretty dry-eyed
considering the gravity of the moment, with only a tiny threat of loss
of composure when he thanked his wife, Tracey, and his kids Nate and
Maggie “for teaching me what joy looks like”—gave the lie to Fox News
Chairman Roger Ailes’s description of the Comedy Central star as a man
who “has a bitter view of the world.”
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter,
Ailes—whose right-leaning cable channel has been one of Stewart’s
fatter and juicier targets all these years—conceded that the retiring
fake newsman is “a brilliant comedian,” “a very nice guy,” and “a good
But while protesting that the political satirist and
razor-sharp media critic never drew Fox blood, and that Stewart failed
in his treasured quest to “get rid of Roger Ailes”—something I doubt
crossed Stewart’s mind, given that Ailes has been great for business—the
Fox News founder claimed that he could tell Stewart is bitter because
“you see it embodied in how he’s reacting to Fox News, equating it with
Yet Ailes and his cable channel went all but on
unmentioned on Stewart’s valedictory program, although the top of the
show featured shtick on that other momentous television event occurring
Thursday night—the Fox News-orchestrated inaugural Republican
presidential candidate debate.
Because Stewart’s final show aired well after the
debate at 11 p.m. but was taped well before the overhyped battle between
Donald Trump and nine other GOP White House wannabes—and media
reporters watched a live feed of The Daily Show with an invited audience at The Nightly Show
studio, a couple of blocks away on Manhattan’s West Side—Stewart and
correspondents Jessica Williams, Hasan Minhaj, and Jordan Klepper had to
make it up as they went along.
Just like the real pundits, presumably.
“The first Republican presidential debate wrapped
up—it was incredible—and so articulate,” Stewart declared to audience
laughter. “I feel something of a responsibility, nay, an obligation, to
devote the entirety of our last show to our standard post-debate
full-team coverage.”
“Jeb did well,” Jessica Williams pronounced, standing in front of a green screen backdrop of the Cleveland debate venue.
Scott Walker was “solid,” Minhaj enthused.
“I can’t believe Trump took out his penis so late in the debate,” Klepper analyzed—dick joke No. 1.
There followed an appearance by nearly every performer who ever was part of The Daily Show cast—literally
dozens—including a prosperous-looking and full-bearded Steve Carell,
Stewart’s predecessor as host Craig Kilborn (also, bearded and
filled-out, and wearing what looked like an ascot and smoking jacket and
adopting the creepy mien of Christopher Walken’s “The Continental”), Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, and even South African comic Trevor Noah.
The 31-year-old Noah, who debuts as the 52-year-old
Stewart’s successor on September 28, came onstage for a bit of business
in which he interrupted the retiring host to wield a tape measure to
calculate the size of various items such as the anchor desk, the flat
screen behind it—and Stewart’s crotch.
Dick joke No. 2.
The Daily Show’s former senior black correspondent, Larry Wilmore—whose Nightly Show was preempted by Thursday night’s extended farewell—showed up at the desk to complain to Stewart about being bumped.
“I have nothing else to do tonight,” he kvetched. “Black shows matter, Jon,” he added.
Even former cast member Wyatt Cenac, bearded and
big-haired and looking a little like Cornel West, got a cameo
appearance, in which he affected boredom and chilly apathy over
Stewart’s repeated invitations to the wrap party.
Apparently all is forgiven for Cenac’s very off-message interview
with podcast interrogator Marc Maron, in which he revealed that he and
the Comedy Central star had some unpleasant encounters over Stewart’s
alleged racial insensitivity.
Indeed, when all the former cast members were shown in
a group-hug onstage, Stewart made a point of throwing his arms around
Cenac and giving him a heartwarming squeeze.
And, of course, there was video featuring a cavalcade of Daily Show targets ushering Stewart to the door:
*Paul Brown, the chief executive of Arby’s restaurant chain: “Jon Stewart—it’s like a TV threw up on your face.”
*Chris Christie: “I’ll never forget you, Jon. But I will be trying.”
*Charlie Rangel: “Good riddance, smartass!”
*Hillary Clinton: “And just when I’m running for president. What a bummer.”
*Mika Brzezinski: “See ya, pipsqueak!”
*Rahm Emanuel: “What has nine and a half fingers, and won’t miss you at all. This guy.”
*John Kerry: “You know, there are a lot of things
happening around the world that keep me up at night—which is why I’ve
relied on you to put me to sleep.”
*John McCain (manipulating a Jon Stewart hand-puppet):
“I’m Jon Stewart. I’m dumb. I’m stupid. Nyah nyah nyah. So long,
After all that insult comedy, however, it was left to former Daily Show correspondent Colbert—over the aw-shucks protests of his host—to slather Stewart with heartfelt praise.
“We owe you, and not just for what you did for our
career, by employing us to come on this tremendous show you made,”
Colbert insisted. “We owe you because we learned from you. We learned
from you by example how to do a show with intention, how to work with
clarity, how to treat people with respect. You are infuriatingly good at
your job!”
And so on and so forth.
Stewart delivered an impassioned attack on “The
Bullshitocracy”—that is, government and corporate obfuscation and lying
that it was his mission to expose—gave a last piece of advice to his
audience: “If you sniff something, say something.”
Meanwhile, he reflected on what the show has meant to him.
“I’ve been in show business a long time. I’ve worked
in a lot of different atmospheres at varying levels of toxicity,” he
said. “And this is the most beautiful place I’ve ever been. And I’ll
never have that again. And I’ve had to come to terms with that before
"Good night and good luck."
What we have learned is that; the Finance-Media-E ducation-Milita ry-Industrial-L egislative-Comp lex lie to us continually so that; we will steal, rape, murder & lie against those who have anything we want. The Entertainment-C omplex should be added to this list. They will laugh all the way to their cottages, gymnasiums, Guantanamo psychologists & resort centres. "I have met the enemy and he is us!" Pogo by Walt Kelly.
This isn't funny in the sense of dissing everything of human love & value, as trolls are want to do, but entirely tragic. Such humour, should inspire each of us to living-simply so others-can-simp ly-live & using all our faculties for making sure all present & future generations can contribute their talents & receive on this plentiful earth.
As previous generations could not imagine life without Johnny Carson, I cannot imagine news without Stewert. I'd watch him in rerun, even if all the material weren't current.
My hope and prediction: with this election shaping up as the craziest in a long time, Stewart will temporarily return to the air three months before and help us laugh all the way home.
(On the plus side, I really don't need him in order to find Trump laughable.)
We are the ones who have to confront the FACTS, that we have been lied to about everything, ever since were were kids.
We are the ones who have to confront our leaders, take them out of power and start over because they failed to hold to the truth.
We can't put it on John Stuart anymore. Now, it's our job, collectively.
Political discourse is bullshit by definition, utterances geared to getting elected/realizi ng money. Works this way: I say what I presume will make the second and or third party act or believe this way or that, not what I think the truth is. E.g. Q. "Senator do you think Country A will invade Country B?" A. "Well I certainly hope not." Not an answer to the question, but a rhetorical statement for ulterior effect, or Bullshit Capitalism depends on bullshit. It infects our brains and very language.
It wasn't a debate at all. It was Fox playing the Grand Inquisitor for the Trump "campaign." I'm not aware that anyone noticed except Thom Hartman, a day later.
However, I fear that his new show will not be as political as the old Colbert Report
I hardly watch any TV but have enjoyed many YouTube bits on his hilarious, beautifully timed and hard-hitting take downs of so many poltico-thugs. His facial expressions and hand gestures are those of an accomplished stand-up comedian.
I watched a live performance by his South African replacement Trevor Noah yesterday and wasn't very impressed -but these are hard, if not impossible- shoes to fill.
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