Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. (photo: unknown)
05 November 14
The lying campaign ads, shady voter ID laws and sanctioned dishonesty should be illegal—and those complicit should be arrested
That’s why our election days should be an
international advertisement for the glorious success of democracy. The
aromatic sizzle that sells the hearty steak. The action-packed trailer
that lures you to the blockbuster movie. But in reality it’s more like
the aggressive perfume sprayers in department stores that deaden your
senses with a cloud of acrid stench leaving you blinded and dazed.
The election season highlights not our dedicated
patriots vying to improve the country, but the greedy villains who are
subtly but devastatingly destroying the democratic process like a
creeping and relentless rust. In addition to hunting those home-grown
terrorists sneaking over to Syria to join ISIS, we should also be
rooting out the saboteurs amongst us who are doing greater damage. While
the culprits are pointing and shouting, “Hey, look over there! We’re
under attack by Ebola and ISIS,” they are brutally clubbing the baby
seal of the democratic principle.
This is the democratic ideal we so love: an informed
population weighs the positions of those running for political office,
then selects, through majority, the person they think will best
represent them in government. It’s so beautiful in its simplicity and
sincerity that it’s no wonder those hungry for freedom worldwide would
want to embrace it. But here in America that ideal is facing the same
fate as an extra in The Walking Dead who says, “I’m going to go on night
patrol alone. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”
We can’t keep touting our political system as a model
for the world while tolerating the worst kind of bad actors whose
actions slowly grind away our system. We shouldn’t just shrug it off
with cynical acceptance, “That’s politics.” It reminds me of that line
from a Brenda Shaughnessy poem, “It’s like having a bad boyfriend in a
good band.” The good band is the democratic system; the bad boyfriend is
the abusive politician willing to compromise that system to satisfy his
own lust for power.
The two most egregious examples of this betrayal are
in misleading political ads and in partisan lawmaking that is meant to
obstruct fair voting practices. The first attempts to misinform the
public, inhibiting its ability to make an informed choice. The second
attempts to obstruct eligible voters from casting their ballot because
they might not vote the way those in power want them to vote.
There’s no shortage of examples of political ads that
lie, but one of the most memorable came from the Mitt Romney
presidential campaign in 2011 in which they showed a clip of Barack
Obama in his 2008 campaign against McCain saying, “If we keep talking
about the economy, we’re going to lose.” The lie is that Romney’s people
edited the original film which was Obama saying, “Senator McCain’s
campaign actually said, and I quote, ‘If we keep talking about the
economy, we’re going to lose.’” The second lie came when Romney defended
the ad, saying that there was “no hidden effort” to mislead voters.
What other purpose was there?
That spirit of lying to the public to undermine
democracy continues in these midterm elections. The Democrats and
Republicans have spent about $50 million dollars,
with Democrats spending nearly twice that of Republicans, over the last
nine months in ads that mention the dreaded “m” word—Medicare. The
focus of the ads is to scare senior citizens by portraying Republicans
as anxious to snatch away their Medicare benefits. Some Democratic ads
accused Republicans of wanting to “end the Medicare guarantee,” or of
causing prescription drugs for seniors to rise as much as $1,700. These
claims are reactions to Rep. Paul Ryan’s plan to significantly change
Medicare. And, while I may not agree with his plan, the Democrats have
deliberately misrepresented it in order to scare seniors into voting
A conservative advocacy group, Crossroads GPS, spent $3.5 million
on ads falsely depicting Colorado Sen. Mark Udall as soft of ISIS (or
ISIL). Their TV ads depict Udall as saying, “ISIL does not present an
imminent threat to this nation.” Then they show a woman who is the
mother of five and a Marine who says she’s worried about her children’s
future and safety in light of this statement. No need to worry, because
Udall’s complete quote included, “But if we don’t respond to the threat
it represents, they will be a threat to this country.” So, if that’s
what worried this Marine mother, no need. Udall actually agrees with
you. We’ll await your correction.
A candidate’s stance on abortion is the easy litmus
test for many voters. So, distorting an opponent’s position is a simple
way to sway the vote. Some Democrats have been doing just that.
Republican House candidate Barbara Comstock from Virginia has been accused in an ad
by Democratic nominee John Foust of wanting to make abortion illegal,
“even in cases of rape and incest.” But Comstock previously and
publically announced her position: “I do support a life of the mother
and rape and incest exception for abortion.” At least four other
Democratic ads across the country also lie about opponents’ positions on
The recent push by the GOP in many states to force a
form of voter ID as well as reduce voting hours has rightfully been
described by many as a modern version of the poll tax, which was
declared unconstitutional in 1966. The requirements for photo IDs are
meant to create a hardship for the poor and minorities (of those eligible voters without IDs,
25 percent are black, 16 percent are Hispanic, and only 9 percent are
white), who are mostly Democrats, because they would have to obtain
documentation such as birth certificates that can cost as much as $75
for travel and paperwork. Student IDs are not accepted, so students
would also have to pay to vote. Poll analyst Nate Silver determined that
ID laws could reduce voter turnout
by 2.4 percent, a margin that might sway close races toward
Republicans. U.S. Circuit Judge Richard Posner, who was appointed by
Ronald Reagan, said that such ID laws exist only to “discourage voting
by persons likely to vote against the party responsible for imposing the
The same problem exists when the voting hours are
reduced because wage-workers and single parents have less time to vote.
And that’s the point, however un-American and anti-democracy: to keep
voters away who may vote against you. This deliberate act to sabotage
the democratic election process is worse than anything ISIS could do and
yet we not only permit it, we vote people who support it into positions
of power.
Proponents of the voter ID law often admit that the
studies prove voter fraud is extremely rare. So, they counter by saying,
as did Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, Chairman of the Republican
Party of Virginia Pat Mullins, and Secretary of State of New Mexico
Dianna Duran, “One is too many.” Would they agree that “one is too many”
when discussing innocents who might have been executed by the death
penalty? Would they agree that “one is too many” when advocates of gun
control site statistics of children accidentally killed by guns at home?
Does “one is too many” only apply when restricting the votes of the
poor and minorities?
Ironically, much of the battle over the Second
Amendment right to bear arms is the fear that someone will take over the
country, remove our freedoms, and we will not be able to fight back.
But that’s what’s happening now. And we are already armed with the vote,
which many don’t use. It’s more cinematic (and a lot easier) to wave a
gun rather than read the speeches and voting records of candidates. But
standing around with a gun won’t keep our freedoms as much as voting for
someone who isn’t manipulating our passions with lies. I would like to
blame us, the voting public, for not being more diligent, but it’s
unreasonable for us to have to research every thing that every candidate
says. And clearly, we can’t count on the candidates’ personal
We need to do two things to stabilize the listing ship
of democracy. First, scrape off the barnacles. In this case, the
barnacles are those who would pass laws deliberately restricting voters
from voting. We have to join together on principle and vote out such
sinister people, even if these voting restrictions benefit your party.
Because this isn’t about giving your party more power, it’s about having
a party that supports the democratic ideals of the Constitution. It
reminds me of Joe and Theresa Giudice, cast members of The Real
Housewives of New Jersey, who are both going to prison for fraud. They
often proclaim “family is everything” and “we do everything for the
family.” But their crimes hurt others, and others’ families, all so they
could live in a mansion and buy expensive furs and jewelry. The family
in politics should be the country, not the political party. Win because
you’re right, not because you’re the better liar.
Sixteen states criminalize making false political
statements. Only sixteen. Worse, a federal judge struck down Ohio’s law
as an unconstitutional infringement on free speech. The judge felt
having the government decide what was true or false might create a
situation in which the government could harass critics. That decision
very likely will cause a domino effect of removing those laws from other
states, leaving Americans with no legal safeguards against, to echo Al
Franken, “lies and the lying liars who tell them.”
What should be do to protect democracy against these
saboteurs from within? We certainly shouldn’t be doing away with these
laws against false political ads; we should be enacting more such laws
and enforcing them more diligently. These laws should include
punishments that range from assessing huge fines capable of crippling a
campaign to prison. Do those punishments really seem too steep for
someone destroying the democratic process?
Some may say my outrage shows political naiveté or
hyperbole. But I don’t think it’s possible for a black man who has lived
in America for 67 years to be politically naïve. Instead, of spouting
grimly sophisticated cynicism of pundits, I still believe that the
inherent goodness of the process can defeat the greed of the politically
ambitious and ethically vacuous.
Maybe I’m just saying that even one lying political ad is “one too many.”
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