Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City. (photo: Richard Perry/NYT)
12 October 14
Center-right Democrats finally face a formidable challenge -- and that has them terrified
The piece triggered a fierce backlash
against Third Way, and even two co-chairs of the organization disavowed
Cowan and Kessler’s anti-populist screed. But the plutocratic wing of
the Democratic Party hasn’t breathed its last, and the latest centrist
attack on progressive populism is a real doozy.
It comes courtesy of a Politico Magazine essay
by Progressive Policy Institute president Will Marshall. A co-founder
of the now-shuttered center right group the Democratic Leadership
Council and a onetime aide to former Sen. Joe Lieberman, Marshall has
long been a leading agitator on behalf of a more right-leaning
Democratic Party. Aggressively hawkish
on foreign affairs – Marshall was associated with the erstwhile
neoconservative group the Project for a New American Century and was a
big booster of the Iraq War – Marshall also harbors distinctly
center-right views on economic issues, joining deficit scolds in railing
against so-called “’borrow and spend’ policies” and championing
“entitlement reform” and corporate tax cuts.
Marshall’s central thesis is that to win power,
Democrats must capture the loyalties of moderate voters. Given the high
number of Americans who tell pollsters that they’re “moderate” in their
political orientation, it sounds sensible enough. But Marshall proceeds
to simply ascribe to rank-and-file moderates the center-right views of
the Beltway punditocracy, the better to make his case that progressive
populism is a losing prospect. To win moderate voters, Marshall writes,
Democrats must shun “leftish orthodoxy” on by “supporting trade
agreements, real accountability in education, changes in entitlements,
development of America’s shale-gas windfall and efforts to lower
regulatory obstacles to entrepreneurship.” The party must refocus its
efforts toward reducing the budget deficit and national debt, and it
must place a higher priority on “economic growth,” not “redistribution
to achieve equality.”
From a purely political standpoint – the vantage from
which Marshall is primarily writing – this is nothing short of bunk.
Most recent polling, for instance, shows Americans are skeptical of “free trade agreements” and support expanding
Social Security. Moreover, while the way a poll frames choices may lead
Americans to say growth should be a higher priority than reducing
inequality, surveys indicate that Americans see inequality as a dire problem and want to raise taxes to solve it. Asked to chart an ideal distribution of wealth for society, a majority of Americans show preferences for a far more egalitarian society than we have now.
The policies Marshall advocates are no better than the
politics. Reducing economic inequality, for instance, is essential to
economic growth, while spikes in inequality contribute to financial
crises. As economist Thomas Piketty points out,
“One consequence of increasing inequality was virtual stagnation of the
purchasing power of the lower and middle classes in the United States,
which inevitably made it more likely that modest households would take
on debt, especially since unscrupulous banks and financial
intermediaries … offered credit on increasingly generous terms.”
Meanwhile, phrases like “real accountability in education” are
meaningless sloganeering, designed to obfuscate an anti-union agenda and
push education “reforms” that don’t actually work.
On climate change, Marshall is being nothing short of disingenuous when
he suggests that pouring resources into natural gas production is
compatible with a sustainable environmental policy. While natural gas
itself may be cleaner than other fossil fuels, fracking for natural gas
leaks methane, which is 34 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
When it comes to foreign policy, Marshall shows no
signs of having learned the lessons of the disastrous militaristic
policies he enthusiastically backed in the Bush administration. “U.S.
foreign policy can’t simply be a series of belated, ad hoc reactions to
crises,”he argues, as if progressives were advocating a “belated, ad
hoc” foreign policy. “We need a new strategy for weakening Islamist
extremism in whatever form it takes, for revitalizing NATO as a bulwark
against Russian expansion, and for creating a balance of power in East
Asia that protects the region’s free and open societies.” Marshall
doesn’t explain what achieving these sweeping goals would entail, but
it’s clear that the Iraq War cheerleader is fearful that progressive
Democrats aren’t as keen on American interventionism and chest-thumping
as he’d like.
While Cowan and Kessler at least had the courtesy to
name high-profile adherents of the ideology they were castigating,
Marshall’s piece doesn’t name-check a single soul; the closest he comes
is a general swipe at “self-appointed ideological minders like MoveOn
and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.” It’s possible that
Marshall genuinely believes, despite evidence to the contrary, that
these unnamed leftist villains’ policies are politically perilous. But
it’s hard to escape the sense that what really terrifies Marshall and
his ilk is the realization that their brain-dead centrism finally faces a
robust challenge.
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