21 January 14
In fact, during the course of our review, I've often reminded myself I would not be where I am today were it not for the courage of dissidents like Dr. King who were spied upon by their own government. And as president, a president who looks at intelligence every morning, I also can't help but be reminded that America must be vigilant in the face of threats.
Is there any doubt, had there been a Dr. King in the
past two decades who opposed the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as
vigorously as Dr. King opposed the Vietnam catastrophe at the end of his
life, that the full might of the modern American intelligence apparatus
would have landed squarely on his head? That his metadata would be
unusually -- How you say? -- piquant in the various cubicles at NSA?
That some of it would be strategically leaked to strategically important
congresscritters and pundits and reporters? That, upon taking office in
2009, this president would have kept in place most of the programs with
which that data on our new Dr. King was collected, perhaps tailoring
them around the edges, perhaps installing some more weak-tea oversight
than was there before, but keeping the basic philosophy behind the
programs embedded in the American government as some sort of "balance"
between security and civil liberties? I have none.
In Enemies, his admirable history of the FBI, Tim
Weiner describes an episode in the late 1960s in which J. Edgar Hoover
found himself frustrated -- and endangered -- by congressional
investigations into the FBI's surveillance malfeasance regarding Dr.
King and the antiwar movement with which he had allied himself. This has
been put in place by Robert F. Kennedy and other liberals who agreed,
with Wilentz apparently, that intelligence gathering is an essential
part of the "modern liberal state." (The LBJ Justice Department also
was getting nervous about the political fallout of what the FBI had been
doing somehow became generally known.) Weiner writes:
Senator William Fulbright, Democrat of Arkansas and chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, was threatening to oversee the FBI's intelligence work; President Johnson warned Hoover to keep a very close eye on Fulbright, whom he suspected was holding secret meetings with Soviet diplomats. A far less prominent Democratic senator, Edward Long of Missouri, had started a scattershot series of hearings on government wiretapping. "He cannot be trusted," an FBI intelligence supervisor warned.
The argument never changes, and it never has changed,
from the moment after World War II when it was determined that the
country needed a vast intelligence apparatus, and that, occasionally,
because mistakes are made, these various institutions would act in an
extraconstitutional manner, but that these mistakes would quickly be
rectified by a combination of the good faith efforts of the people who
made the mistakes, and the white-hot wrath of congressional oversight.
(The press has a role, too, but it must be carefully circumscribed, lest
the enemy find aid and comfort there.) And thus did the intelligence
apparatus become so essential to the "modern liberal state" that Sean
Wilentz can claim in The New Republic that the lack of fealty to the
imperatives of the surveillance community as demonstrated by Edward
Snowden, Glenn Greenwald, and Julian Assange is an assault on modern
liberal state itself.
Nothing is ever new. In 1976, a congressional
committee chaired by Rep. Otis Pike of New York explored various
malfeasance by the intelligence community. The committee's support was
suppressed by the congressional lapdogs of said community. Daniel Schorr
got a hold of a copy and disseminated it, and there was considerable
hell to pay. (Schorr resigned from CBS under pressure after refusing to
identify his source to a congressional committee.) As it happens, there was long passage in a draft report concerning the ambitions of the NSA:
This was 1976. Nothing changes, except the technology.
Notice the quaint references to "telegrams" and "telex" messages. A
decade earlier, when national security regrettably required that Dr.
King be wiretapped, it was bugs in hotel rooms. There always are threats
that require us to make "sacrifices" in order to "balance" the
surveillance imperative with the Bill of Rights. So this is as good a
way as any to remember today Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., victim of the
surveillance state.
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