Thursday, February 9, 2012

New York Daily News

Blau & Deutsch report: “A veteran jail supervisor will be criminally charged for beating an inmate who had just punched a female correction officer, the Daily News has learned. Veteran Assistant Deputy Warden Edwin Diaz has been asked to turn himself in to authorities Thursday for his role in the attack on inmate Jesus Alejandro on Sept. 24, 2008, a source familiar with the investigation said.”

Parascandola & Fisher write: “Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly has ordered a top-to-bottom review of all street level narcotics enforcement procedures after it was revealed that the cop who killed an unarmed Bronx teen had never been properly trained.”

Wills & Gendar note: “Archbishop Timothy Dolan is grabbing the olive branch the Obama administration extended on birth control, saying he’s happy to offer the feds a “graceful exit” from the election-year uproar.”

Ken Lovett writes: “Democratic Rep. Carolyn McCarthy’s Long Island district is on the chopping block as state leaders begin redrawing congressional boundaries, the Daily News has learned. State Senate and Assembly negotiators are looking at merging McCarthy’s Nassau County district into a Nassau-Queens district now held by fellow Dem Gary Ackerman, sources close to the planning said.”

Pete Donohue reports: “The city plans to make one of Manhattan’s most dangerous corridors safer for pedestrians. The Transportation Department said Wednesday it will shorten 14 crosswalks on Delancey St. between the Bowery and Clinton St. by widening sidewalks and medians.”

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