Saturday, February 4, 2012

Civic Groups To AG: Investigate NYPD

A group of 33 American Muslim, Arab and South Asian civic groups want state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to investigate how the NYPD investigates Muslim communities in the city.

The AP reported today that police began increasing surveillance of "thousands" of Shiite Muslims and their mosques.

In August 2011, the NYPD was believed to be participating in similar actions, targeting roughly 250 mosques, schools and businesses without firm evidence of any offenses.

The groups also have a problem with NYPD officers having been shown "The Third Jihad," which seeks to portray an Islamic world bent on global domination. In their letter to the Attorney General, the organizations said, “Newly released documents showed that the film was played for three months, viewed by almost 1,500 officers, and even more troubling, that its producers conducted a ninety-minute interview with Ray Kelly.”

Though Kelly said he believed his participation in the film to be a mistake, he refused to step down over the issue and believes that the NYPD and Muslim communities interact “very well,” according to WNYC.

20120203 NYS AG Letter re NYPD

1 comment:

  1. Moral authority is never retained by any attempt to hold on to it. It comes without seeking and is retained without effort.
