Friday, April 16, 2010

Political Consultants/ Lobbyists Breed Corruption Political Insiders Use Pols to Become Rich From Government

Political Consultants/ Lobbyists Breed Corruption

By Gary Tilzer

How is the world can a political consultant firm Global Strategy Group paid $2,000,000 Two Million in a fine to the AG for illegally arranging a meeting between the current comptroller, Tom DiNapoli, and an investment fund and still stay in business. That fact alone tell you how much money they make off of government. They are the new prince of the city, Pay to Play
millionaires. We know how they got the power to influence the pols, they help elect them. Just look at who is at the heart of the pension scandal, Hank Morris. He used the fact that he elected Hevesi to the Comptrollers office to loot pension funds not only in New York but in LA, New Mexico and who else knows where. Morris and Global are not the only lobbyist consultant who are at the center of corruption today in New York. Consulting Firm Among Five to Settle in Pension Corruption Probe * Democratic consulting firm Global Strategy Group also settled with Cuomo, but Roberto Ramirez’s lobbying firm, the Mirram Group, remains under scrutiny.

The AEG Bunch
Consultant Bill Lynch phone call to Paterson aboard Amtrack had to have to have a lot to do with AEG losing it winning bid at aqueduct and the federal investigation of it partner Flake and it political supporters Meeks and Smith. Lynch who must have been a follower of the late Roy Cohen school of business, set up a meeting between Paterson who he was an political advisor and Flake a day after AEG won the contract for video slots at Aqueduct. The thing is that Lynch was being paid by SL Green a competing company to win the contract for them. It is clear the the political consultant lobbyist business is not only corrupt it is very inse Cheating, Lying, Stealing --"Not me?" said, Mr. SL Green * Queens residents rallied against what they see as “racist” coverage of the death of the AEG deal * Hundreds of people rallied in Queens against “racist journalism” of the Aqueduct deal. (City Hall)

Council Slush Fund and the Parkside Consult Group
Yesterday the New York Appellate Court ruled two to three against Normal Siegel Petition to set up a public inquiry into who was responsible for the Council Slush fund scandal. Siegel is expected to appeal. If one more judge sided with the inquiry we might have gotten some answers to who was behind the slush fund which we have not gotten to date from the federal investigation or the press. Siegel would have been able to question former Speaker Giff Miller and Speaker Quinn why the Parkside consultant/lobbying group had some many non profits funded by the city as clients. Parkside had worked closely with Miller until press reports during his campaign for mayor forced him to put some distance from Parkside. This blog story has a lot of question Siegel could have asked Miller, Parkside and the other Council Bums A Letter to Garcia: (Michael) Garcia U.S. Attorney

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