Monday, August 17, 2009

One Espada down, one to go

First published in print: Friday, August 14, 2009
Say this for Pedro G. Espada and his ever-so-brief tenure in the utterly superfluous $120,000-a-year job as director of intergovernmental relations for the state Senate.

It was shorter, even, than the flirtation his father, Majority Leader Pedro Espada Jr. had with the Republicans who tried to take back control of the Senate earlier this summer. Hiring the younger Mr. Espada did less damage, too, to state government than the legislative stalemate that his father's self-serving gamesmanship created.

The fallout from a patronage hire that even the elder Mr. Espada eventually had to disavow is focused mainly on him. Oh, the Senate Democrats who allowed the younger Mr. Espada to be hired in the first place suffer further discredit. But it's the elder Mr. Espada whose actions must again be questioned.

He ought to follow his son's example. He, too, should resign.

Mr. Espada has continued to be under scrutiny since returning to the Democratic fold, and with more influence than ever. This time, there are questions about whether he's violated the law. At issue is New York's public officers law, which prohibits legislators from any role in hiring their relatives for jobs in state government. It's worth quoting:

"No statewide elected official, state officer or employee, member of the Legislature or legislative employee may participate in any decision to hire, promote, discipline or discharge a relative for any compensated position at, for, or within any state agency, public authority, or the Legislature."

And here's Mr. Espada denying any such involvement in his son getting a job he had to quit so abruptly. His insistence that all was on the up and up cries out for vigorous examination. How the majority leader could not be involved in the decision to hire his son should be questioned further, and with this much in mind: Mr. Espada already is under investigation.

State and local prosecutors are looking into his use of the political slush fund known as legislative member items for his social service agencies, possible violation of state campaign finance laws and even his legal residency.

Mr. Espada's Bronx health care organization -- which also has employed his son, according to a New York Post report -- had a $3 million grant pulled by the state comptroller's office not long ago over misstatements about tax delinquency. He tried to steer $745,000 in political pork to another group he ran before the appropriation was cancelled.

The Senate has become an institution in dire need of higher standards, greater accountability, less cronyism and less reason to question the conduct and motives of its members. New York would be better off if Mr. Espada stepped down.

Who else should go?

How about Khari Edwards, the $75,204 special assistant to Senate Democratic Conference Leader John Sampson?

Mr. Edwards was fired from a $70,000 job with the governor's office earlier this year after the state inspector general called him "immature," "irresponsible" and "ill-suited" for the position. Mr. Edwards' conduct during an investigation of his boss, Carl Andrews, who resigned last year after being accused of trying to influence a State Liquor Authority vote on liquor licenses, was sharply criticized by Inspector General Joseph Fisch. And here he is now, working for the Senate -- with a pay raise, yet.

Had enough, New Yorkers?

The issue:

Questions remain about the Senate majority leader even after his son resigns.

The Stakes:

How much more scandal do New Yorkers have to endure?

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