Tuesday, May 12, 2009

State Senate gives Pedro Espada one week to file all campaign finance reports

Tuesday, May 12th 2009, 4:00 AM

State Sentate leaders Monday gave Sen. Pedro Espada Jr. one week to file all his campaign finance reports, citing a "recurring failure" to do so exposed by the Daily News.

Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith (D-Queens) also ordered the Bronx Democrat to pay related fines within one week.

Smith's move comes a day after The News reported that eight months after winning the Democratic primary, Espada still has yet to file a single campaign report. He should have filed six, and now owes $13,553 in fines.

Espada promised to comply - on his own timetable.

He said he'd file campaign finance reports by July and would pay his fines once he gets "notification" from the state Board of Elections about exactly how much he owes. The board has repeatedly notified him of his delinquency in paying the fines.

It was unclear late Monday if this response will satisfy Smith, who had threatened unspecified "immediate action" against Espada if he doesn't comply.

Smith's spokesman, Austin Shafran, said his boss - who was made majority leader with Espada's help and has known about Espada's delinquency for months - has not determined what, if any, disciplinary action to take.

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