Sunday, February 24, 2008


Once again, ego has prevailed over reason for Ralph Nader. Not content to help shape a new era in politics, Nader has announced his bid for the presidency. The hat that he has thrown in the political ring is moth eaten and faded. The man who was once a great consumer advocate has been consumed himself by self aggrandizing greed. The Lebanese American politician who rarely ventured into the plight of post 9-11 racial profiling but delighted in profiling himself should simply call it a day.

Ralph Nader Enters Presidential Race
Posted: 2008-02-24 09:36:53
Filed Under: Elections News, Nation News
WASHINGTON (Feb. 24) - Ralph Nader is launching a third-party campaign for president.The consumer advocate made the announcement Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press." He says most Americans are disenchanted with the Democratic and Republican parties, and that none of the presidential contenders are addressing ways to stem corporate crime and Pentagon waste and promote labor rights.

Nader also ran as a third-party candidate in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections. He is still loathed by many Democrats who call him a spoiler and claim his candidacy in 2000 cost the party the election by siphoning votes away from Al Gore in a razor-thin contest in Florida.

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