Thursday, January 30, 2014

Jon Stewart Sticks It To Michael Grimm, Staten Island And NY1 (Sorta) After SOTU Dustup

I'm not sure who got the sharpest end of the stick on "The Daily Show" last night: Rep. Michael Grimm, Staten Island, or... NY1.
Taking on the big bullying job that went down after the State of the Union Address, Jon Stewart went after the foul-mouthed congressman and his home borough, but not NY1 reporter Michael Scotto... just his TV station, a little.

"To be fair, 'I will throw you off this f-----g balcony' is a relatively standard and traditional Staten Island goodbye," Stewart wisecracks in the segment, which starts at about 4:45 in the player below.
"But you know what's almost more upsetting than knowing that Republicans from day one planned to sabotage the administration in every way that they knew how? Or that the guy threatening to hurl a NY1 reporter off a balcony is not a thug in a 'Batman' film, but someone we elected to Congress? Or that the public persona these folks display is so radically different from how they behave otherwise?
"It's that he went after a NY1 reporter... NY1 is the pulse of our city -- from the latest theater openings to the latest subway closings... to them just literally sitting there reading you the paper. They read it to you -- like you're a little baby..."

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