Thursday, August 1, 2013

Councilman Erik Dilán Don’t Become a Puppet of The Devil

By Rafael Martínez Alequín

During a news conference at New York City Hall, when Council person Jumaane Williams and other council members were proclaiming their victory, when the City council passed the bill against the City Police Department stop and frisk, I asked Councilman Williams who will be the Judas Iscariot among the 34 council members who voted for the bill to Stop and Frisk.
While spending a few days in Mexico I just read an article in the Daily News by Celeste Katz that apparently Mayor Bloomberg, aka the Devil, found his Judas in the persona of Councilman Erik Dilán.
In the Daily News issue on July 30, Ms. Katz wrote: “Several board members acknowledged that City Councilman Erik Dilán (D-Brooklyn) has been floated as a possibility for the job. If he left the Council, he would take with him the critical 34th vote to override Mayor Bloomberg’s veto of a bill expanding the right to sue cops for racial profiling.
The New Kings Democrats, a reform club in Brooklyn, said Dilán’s appointment would be “doubly disastrous” because it would endanger the profiling bill and elevate someone who has “done little in public life to show the leadership or competency” the board needs.
The council district represented by Councilman Erick Dilán is one of the poorest districts in Brooklyn. The residents, particularly Black and Latino, have been innocently targeted by the NYPD Stop and Frisk policy for merely walking the streets of Bushwick while existing as Blacks and Latinos.

I urge Councilman Erik Dilán to show his constituency that he too has a “Profile in Courage” and will reject the temptation of becoming a puppet of the Devil incarnate in the person of the mayor.

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