Sunday, January 27, 2013

Political Corruption

Huntley Plea To Mail Fraud 
The Who Who Did It Has Made A Lot of Pols Very Scared 
(More coming soon)

Everyone is surprised that Embattled ex-state Sen. Shirley Huntley will plead guilty to federal fraud charges, sources said yesterday. They are not surprised that she will plea, what they are surprised is it is with the feds.The new federal case follows her indictment in Nassau Supreme Court last August on charges she falsified documents to hide the fact her niece and an aide siphoned $30,000 from a sham charity she created called “The Parent Network.”  Brooklyn federal prosecutors working in the US Attorney's Office's public corruption unit quietly opened a mail fraud case against Huntley. earlier criminal case that was brought against Huntley last summer by New York state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is still pending in Nassau County Supreme Court. I wonder how the follow pols and lobbyists slept last night once they learned the feds took over the Huntly case: Smith, Meeks, Sampson, Paterson, Wills, Andrews, Sheinkopf, Lynch and the Rev. Flake Ex-Senator Huntley will cop to mail fraud; pol still faces charges in $30G charity 'sham'(Queens Politics) *  Ex-Senator Huntley will cop to mail fraud; pol still faces charges in $30G charity 'sham'(NYP) * Ex-State Sen. Huntley to plead guilty(NYDN) * Former State Senator From Queens Expected to Plead Guilty to Corruption(NYT)

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