Friday, November 23, 2012

Fruiday True News Updated: Quinn Politically Married to A Sexual Harasser

NYP Joins the Fight to Demand That the Quinn Stop the Sweet Heart District By the Redistricting Committee She and the Mayor Control 
Chris Quinn’s Vito problem(NYP Ed) New York City has its share of gerrymandered election districts — like the one that was pinched and squeezed and pulled and teased to the apparent advantage of a serial sexual harasser with eyes on a City Council seat.  Council Speaker Chris Quinn is expected to approve new maps that would slide Assemblyman Vito Lopez’s Brooklyn home into a more favorable district — and put him in position to cruise to a seat on the council if he runs next year.  Lopez lives in the council’s 37th District, but new maps approved last Friday would shift his home into the 34th District, which he has a better chance to win in (he can move before election day and run in the 34 District seat anyway under election law rules). * "Lopez line" that has caused a headache was proposed by Councilman Erik Dilan We wonder why the NYP left out of the editioral that Quinn was also funding non profit machines Ridgewood Bushwick with $873,589 in member items funds Lopez di$penser(NYP)

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