Friday, June 1, 2012

In the End Screwed Skelos Screwed Himself, His Party and Storobin With Redistricting
By getting rid of the Kruger's district Skelos missed his chance of having 3 state senators elected in Brooklyn.  The senate majority leader should have understood after Weprin lost to Turner that he had a shot for a hat check.  Instead he divided the Russian community into four senate district and created a super Jewish district in Boro Park leaving his newly elected Senator Storobin with a hard choice of where to run.  Does he try to stay a major player in the 32-30 GOP senate by running against Felder in the super district, going against some of the same rabbis who supported him against Fidler.  Or does he become a minor play in the assembly's minority, cut off from the member items and influence.

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