Friday, March 23, 2012

The New York Times

Thomas Kaplan writes: “It is a tradition of the annual spring conference for Hispanic legislators in the capital: a union-sponsored breakfast where lawmakers rub shoulders with labor leaders, whose endorsements are coveted come election season. But this Saturday, there will be no breakfast. Irate at lawmakers for voting last week to reduce pension benefits for new public workers, several of New York State’s most prominent unions are planning to boycott the event, Somos el Futuro, and, in at least one case, to pull donations that help finance it. The situation over the conference, a must-attend event for many in New York politics, is highlighting the tensions between organized labor and Albany lawmakers that have arisen since the vote. And it has brought backers of the pension measure to rally for the lawmakers who supported it: Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg pledged on Thursday to bail out the conference.”

Sam Roberts profiles longtime mayoral photographer Ed Reed.


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