Saturday, March 10, 2012

Mayor Michael Bloomberg says the city will fight a $128 million award to minority FDNY applicants

Judge's decision stems from discrimination lawsuit

Comments (6)

(You'll appeal and LOSE Mr. Bloomberg , it comes a time when a smart person choose to "cut their losses" and move forward. The Mayor challenging this only solidifies that he is what many Black folks believe him to be racist. His actions certainly doesn't attempt to prove that belief wrong.)
  Judge Nicholas Garaufis outside Brooklyn courthouse. Michael Scott Berman for the New York Daily News
Judge Nicholas Garaufis outside Brooklyn courthouse.

Mayor Bloomberg vowed Friday to appeal a federal judge’s decision to award up to $128 million to minority applicants discriminated against by past FDNY exams.

“The bottom line is we don’t agree with his decision at all, and it’s only the first step in the process,” Bloomberg said Friday on WOR radio’s John Gambling show. “You can rest assured we will appeal.”

Judge Nicholas Garaufis, who has blocked the FDNY from hiring because of his ruling on the exams, appointed special monitors to hold hearings to award to some 2,000 minority applicants who got above a threshold score on the 1999 and 2001 tests.

Despite Bloomberg’s assurance, Garaufis said Thursday that the hearings will move forward even if the city challenges his ruling. While the judge said the city had years to avoid the financial liability, Bloomberg predicted the payouts will be much lower than the ceiling set by the judge.

Bloomberg said he supports a “plain IQ test” for firefighters along with strength tests to prove they can handle the job.

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