Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Muslim-groups- call-for-probe-of-nypd-surveillance

I recently visited your blog and read your post regarding
the NYPD surveillance of Muslim students. I was interested
to learn that the forwarding of an email about a conference
was what triggered the police department to start watching
these students in the first place. It’s amazing how far
outside of New York the police department monitored.
I am working for Newsy, which is an multisource video news
site. At Newsy we seek to provide accurate news coverage by
using multiple sources in our stories. We recently posted a
video regarding the NYPD investigation of Muslim student
groups. In the video we discuss the extent in which the
operation took place and what was involved in the monitoring
of these groups. I was wondering if you would consider
embedding the Newsy video into your post or if you might be
interested in adding a link to Newsy in your blogroll. I
think the video would add to the already informative post you
have provided. The video can be found at the following link:

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