Sunday, October 23, 2011

Videos Interview with Participants at Occupy Wall Street

Julio Rolon, a supporter of Independence for Puerto Rico is also a supporter of Occupy Wall Street and he explain how OWS is related to the economy exploitation of Americans corporation to the Puerto Rican workers. This video is bilingual. Español/English.
video by Rafael Martínez Alequín (Oct.22-11)

Eddie an 86 years-old and his wife at Zuccotti Park supporting Occupy Wall Street. They are among other Senior Citizens in accord with the younger generation seeking justice for the 99% citizens exploited by the 1% robber baron.

video by Rafael Martínez Alequín (Oct.22-11)

Producing OWS message bottoms, at Zuccotti Park. The bottons are free, however they welcome contributions.

video by Rafael Martínez Alequín (Oct. 22-11)

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