Friday, September 9, 2011

The New York Times

Laurie Goodstein reports on how some members of the clergy are miffed that they’re not speaking at Sunday’s 9/11 anniversary.

Dan Bilefsky profiles congressional candidate David Weprin: “With his Inspector Clouseau mustache, self-effacing personality and liberal political views, Mr. Weprin, 55, seemed an inoffensive and dependable candidate for the Democratic Party to nominate to run for Congress after Representative Anthony D. Weiner quit over a scandal earlier this summer.”

David Chen notes: “Christine C. Quinn, the City Council speaker, has added a big political name to her campaign team as she prepares for an expected mayoral bid in 2013: Joel Benenson, the pollster for President Obama and, until recently, for Anthony D. Weiner.”

Sharon Otterman writes: “Citing heightened concerns about educators’ cheating that have emerged after recent scandals in Atlanta and Philadelphia, a New York State panel has recommended an overhaul in how the state administers and grades its standardized tests.”

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