Saturday, September 3, 2011

Bloomberg cover up of Goldsmith's domestic violence arrest has John Gambling ripping mayor

Friday, September 2nd 2011, 12:41 PM

Stephen Goldsmith and Mayor Bloomberg at a press conference announcing his Goldsmith's appointment as deputy mayor.  Goldsmith was arrested for domestic violence in July.
Jefferson Siegel for News
Stephen Goldsmith and Mayor Bloomberg at a press conference announcing his Goldsmith's appointment as deputy mayor. Goldsmith was arrested for domestic violence in July.

Even Mayor Bloomberg's best buds appear to have the knives out.

Bloomberg's chummy radio sidekick ripped into him amid growing outrage over Hizzoner's cover up of a top deputy's domestic violence arrest and Bloomberg's self-imposed seclusion since the news broke.

"I think he made a mistake by not addressing this head on," radio host John Gambling said on WOR, where he and the Mayor normally host a one-hour show Friday morning.

Bloomberg abruptly cancelled the show Thursday night amid the furor of former Deputy Mayor Stephen Goldsmith's domestic violence July arrest in Washington.

Goldsmith spent two days in jail after his wife called the cops on him. Bloomberg pushed him out days later - but said at the time that Goldsmith was departing to chase private sector bucks.

To avoid being grilled by reporters, the Mayor Thursday also cancelled a Hurricane Irene-related press conference.

Gambling told listeners Friday that he felt the "mayor made a mistake" by not addressing the brewing controversy.

City pols, including Council Speaker Christine Quinn, Controller John Liu and Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, blasted Bloomberg for trying to hide Goldsmith's arrest.

The Mayor's Office continued to insist that his sudden disappearance from the public stage had nothing to do with Goldsmith's arrest - or his failure to inform the public that his deputy mayor had been tossed in the clink.

"No public official in America holds more open media availabilities than the Mayor," said mayoral spokesman Marc LaVorgna.

Goldsmith, 64, the former Mayor of Indianapolis, was taken into custody at his Washington townhouse late Saturday July 30.

Goldsmith's first wife, Melissa Martin, told The News that she was "shocked" by the arrest.

"Steve and I have been divorced for a long time but I kind of know who he is in his core. He always measures everything."

According to the police report, his current wife Margaret, 59, called 911 to say a nasty verbal argument - in which she told her husband "I should have put a bullet through you years ago" - escalated to shoving.

She told cops he smashed her phone and grabbed her when she threatened to call police, refusing to let go until she dug her nails into his arm.

She declined to press charges when the cops arrived, but Washington law mandates an arrest in domestic abuse calls. Later she got prosecutors to drop the case.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Former New York Deputy Mayor Stephen Goldsmith cla...":

Margaret isn't the first women he's roughed up. Dig deeper (in Indy)and some interesting facts will appear. He's a Nazi with a great press in the family (his wife is a Pullium, the former owners of the Indianapolis Star newpaper empire).

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