Saturday, July 2, 2011

Thank you for helping achieve independence from Glenn Beck's televised hatred.

Celebrate our independence from Glenn Beck's televised hate!

Dear Friend,

There's a lot to celebrate this weekend. And we're particularly excited about celebrating our nation's independence from Glenn Beck's televised hatred, race-baiting and breathless insanity.

Thursday was the last day of Beck's FOX News TV show. It's a huge victory for our good friends at Color of Change and Media Matters who led this campaign, and CREDO is proud that so many of our activists could help play a part in getting Beck off FOX.

FOX's decision to drop Beck was based on dollars and cents. Thanks to the activism of so many, this experiment in televised hatred and right-wing paranoia became a financial liability for FOX after hundreds of advertisers pulled their ads, refusing to be associated with Beck.

Unfortunately, hateful and irresponsible rhetoric continues on FOX News, and we have a lot of work to do to keep holding FOX personalities accountable, and stop FOX bosses Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes from continuing to peddle hate speech and lies.

For now, our nation is better off without Glenn Beck on our televisions. Help celebrate this victory by sharing this Glenn Beck independence card, and asking your friends to join the ongoing fight against FOX's hateful rhetoric. Share it on Facebook, share it on Twitter, or click here for a message you can email to your friends.

Thank you for helping achieve independence from Glenn Beck's televised hatred.

Elijah Zarlin, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

P.S. Do you "like" CREDO on Facebook? Like our page to see what we're reading and share your thoughts with us on interesting items of the day.

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