Monday, July 4, 2011

Jon Stewart takes on Fox News, and Wins!

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The Fair and Bal­anced Fox News found some­thing that the rest of the so-called media missed. Evi­dently, the logo the White House used for the Nuclear Sum­mit has a secret mes­sage for Mus­lim nations. But what’s the mes­sage? Well, the “Fair and Bal­anced” Fox News did not fig­ure that one out yet, but if you come up with some­thing, they’re more than happy to broad­cast it as a fact. We’re wait­ing on pins and nee­dles for the offi­cial “Fair and Bal­anced” expla­na­tion of what the mes­sage in the logo is.

Fox News Logo

But wait…! Jon Stew­art — who has more cred­i­bil­ity than Fox News — has stum­bled upon some­thing too. It seems that the Fox News logo also has a secret mes­sage. And all this time, the media could not, or choose not to look into it.

Jon Stew­art how­ever, was not fooled like the rest of the media. He pointed out some very strange con­nec­tions with Fox’s Logo, using the very same logic that Fox used to iden­tify the Mus­lim con­nec­tion in the White House Sum­mit logo.

On a side note, Jon Stew­art explains in the video below that he actu­ally called the White House regard­ing Fox’s superb inves­tiga­tive work. And accord­ing to Stew­art, the White House explained that the logo is the Bohr model of the atom. After all, it was a Nuclear Summit.

In all their trou­bles to inves­ti­gate the so-called Mus­lim con­nec­tion, “Fair and Bal­anced” Fox News failed to make that phone call. The White House could have explained to Fox News that there was no Mus­lim con­nec­tion, but why bother try­ing to get the facts when you have a whole audi­ence to mislead.

So much for “Fair And Balanced.”

Jon Stew­art explains below:

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