Friday, February 11, 2011

Irish Eyes Not Smiling Over Bloomberg Remark

New York Times

Javier Hernandez reports on an off-color joke made by the mayor that sparked an apology: “The gathering was meant to be a carefree celebration of the city’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade. But it took a different tone when Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg made some off-the-cuff remarks. The mayor, speaking at the American Irish Historical Society on Wednesday night, said he was used to seeing ‘people that are totally inebriated hanging out the window’ at the society.”

Mayor Bloomberg's (Un)Greatest Hits

Mayor Bloomberg has apologized -- quite elaborately -- if he offended anyone with his remark this week about "inebriated" people hanging out the windows of the American Irish Historical Society, but our Adam Lisberg has compiled this list of other cringeworthy cracks Hizzoner has made:

bloomberg drawing.jpg"This is not democracy, letting people yell and scream."
- Feb. 5, 2011, about protesters at a school closing panel

"That was so much better than having to reach in and let the little sonofabitch bite you."
- Feb. 2, 2011, dissing groundhog Staten Island Chuck

"The city is going fine. Broadway shows were full last night. There are lots of tourists here enjoying themselves."
- Dec. 27, 2010, downplaying the city's botched blizzard response

"Tom Frieden's with us - Friedman - yes, well, Foley."
- Sept. 17, 2010, trying to remember the name of his health commissioner, Thomas Farley

"The guy that runs BP didn't exactly go down there and blow up the well."
- June 10, 2010, defending BP CEO Tony Hayward during the gulf oil spill

"We successfully advocated for reducing or eliminating the unincorporated business tax for some 17,000 freeloaders."
- May 12, 2010, trying to praise freelancers

"You're a disgrace."
- May 28, 2009, to a reporter who questioned his rationale for a third term