Friday, January 28, 2011

Staten Island BP James Molinaro drops an f-bomb on Channel 4

By Carlos González

STATEN ISLAND, NY - Borough President James P. Molinaro dropped the "f-bomb" live over Channel 4 airwaves.

See video here:

While on hold through a telephone landline with the station waiting for the live segment, Molinaro was using his cell phone trying to cope with the latest snowstorm hitting his borough and was visible upset at something.

Molinaro admitted that it was embarrassing that it was picked up on the air. He would not reveal the identity of the person he was speaking to on the cell phone.

"My voice must have carried over," Molinaro said. "I did use the word."

Regardless of using the word, Molinaro fell short from offering an apology to the viewers. It's certainly warranted.

The news of the incident was first reported by Tom Wrobleski from

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