Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Other Side of The National Arts Club
The National Art Club at Gramercy Park

The following photographs show reason for concern to the residents of Gramercy Park, particularly those who live, work and play at 15 Gramercy Park South, the National Arts Club. The decaying state of the National Historic Land Mark which houses the Club is apparent in the photographs.

Many of the residents of the National Arts Club are essentially surrounded by kindling. In 2008, the Arts Club emerged unscathed from an OSHA investigation. Then, in 2009, the FDNY attempted entrance to the premise due to allegations of hazardous conditions. They warned the Club's President O. Aldon James Jr., that unless he produced a key they'd start breaking down doors. The doors were never broken down. The FDNY never gained entry.
Neither did they return to complete their investigation.

YFP will document the startling details of "Artsgate" in the following weeks. Stay tuned.

Click on the links below to see other images and video .


  1. this is nothing they have like 8 apt. filled with crap

  2. A.James has 8 apt. filled with garbage.

  3. Elitist running a hazardous living condition. Serves them right! Apparently it was a place for prostitution as well. Risk risk.

  4. why the hate? it's okay to be concerned about a fire possibility, but this sounds like something personal. what do you care about messy houses? artists are always like this. perfect ikea interiors don't make for creativity, in spite of their ads.

  5. What do these guys actually make (as artists)?

  6. I don't live or work in an environment like that. No other working artist I know does, either. What kind of imbecile invests money in materials to squander and damage them?

  7. Why the hate? See above: people who enjoy living without roaches and other vermin, and keeping their lives as free of bad smells and unpleasant molds are haters. I hate hoarders, don't have any sympathy for them, and would be fine with them and their filth being taken out on a barge and set on fire.

  8. James is a good man.
