Thursday, January 27, 2011

City Hall Reporters Dumb or Ass Kissers?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The dumbest Snow Press Conference In History

City Hall Reporters
Dumb or Ass Kissers?

Even Fox 5 Rosanna Scotto could not believe how crazy the reporters at the mayor's snow press conference acted this morning. City Hall reporters were always known to specialize in sucking up to the mayor, but today they acted not as journalist but like bad girls on an episode of Gossip Girl.

As New Yorkers worry about ambulances getting down their streets to save their loved ones life, City Hall reporters after the first three questions were asking the mayor about Glen Beck and Donald Trump. Three question about regents test scheduled for today after the mayor answered after the first question that the tests were a state issue and Albany would have to rescheduled.

The two important questions given to the mayor about the failings of the first snow storm were easily ducked by the mayor, because he was not forced to answer a follow up question. The first question the mayor ducked was about what the mayor thought of Councilman Dan Halloran not giving the NYT specifics about his charges of a sanitation slow down. The mayor just bushed aside the question saying it was a City Council matter. All that reporter or any other reporter had to do was ask why the mayor investigators have not interviewed Halloran as part of his promised investigation of why the city failed to clean the streets after the Xmass storm. The second question a reporter asked the mayor was why the city was doing a better job today then during the Xmass storm. The mayor brushed that reporter aside by saying they used what they learned after the failed snow cleanup. What that reporter or any other reporter should have asked was why was today's cleanup was more like the successful snow cleanups the mayor has enjoyed from the time he took office until the Xmass storm.

We did learn the mayor does not believe that Co-Op City was a socialist experiment as Glen Beck has charged. We also found out the mayor thinks Donald Trump is a great New Yorker who should bid for Tavern on the Green if the mayor decides after his one year experiment to end replacing the world famous restaurant with trucks and carts that sell food. The final thing the City Hall reporters taught us today was the mayor thinks the students who missed their regents tests today should use the snow day to study

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