Tuesday, December 28, 2010

40 Years Ago It Was The Lindsay Snow Storm, Today the Media Kid Gloves Shields Bloomberg From Blame"

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Get Out of Queens You Bum Lindsay"

Perhaps no event has shown how much the media is in the tank with the mayor than the Sunday's snowstorm. 40 years ago the NYT, Daily News and other media charged Mayor Lindsay for Paralyzed the city Remembering a Snowstorm That Paralyzed the City(NYT) * WINTER OF DISCONTENT LINDSAY'S SNOWSTORM, 1969 (DN) * The "Lindsay Snowstorm" (Feb. 9-10, 1969) * WINTER OF DISCONTENT LINDSAY?S SNOWSTORM, 1969 (DN)

Today the Media Shields the Mayor From Blame

Outrage as transit stops, Bloomy insists 'the city is going on' (NYP) * Choreographing a Snowplow Ballet, to Mixed Reviews (Again) (NYT) *Christmas Blizzard of 2010: LaGuardia, JFK airports are back flying, but mass transit remains a mess (DN)

Even the NYP Editorial Was Soft on the Mayor Next time, try harder (NYP Ed) After 9 years of practice in office and his eye on the presidency fat chance.

When real problems were written about the media distanced blame from the mayor or included this public relations team spin - Mayor explanation for 3 hour 911 backup "To many non emergency calls"

Only the WSJ Brought Up the Budget Cuts as a possible cause Budget Cuts Seen Slowing Cleanup(WSJ)

Only the Staten Island Advance Allowed Anger to Be Expressed Against the Mayor

Islanders slam pathetic blizzard response: City gets an 'F'

"NOBODY is plowed," one Sunnyside resident told the Advance after comparing notes with friends in other Island neighborhoods. "Everybody is cursing Sanitation and the mayor. Something went terribly wrong with the city's response to this." . . . "While Bloomberg ate a snack of pickles, coleslaw and Saltine crackers at the diner, callers flooded the Advance newsroom with queries about transit service. Many said they were frustrated after not being able to reach 311 for answers." . . . "It left Islanders scratching their heads about the root cause of the inadequate response. Some suggested it was the result of Sanitation workers' engaging in a deliberate slowdown as a result of a labor dispute with the mayor. Others thought the city was caught off-guard with staffing levels at a bare minimum during the Christmas weekend. And some deemed the cause simpler yet: Failure of leadership at City Hall."

When the Media Creates A False Reality It Changes History and

Media Cover Ups Public Anger

In the 60's when the media was less corporate owned and public relations experts did not influence reporters like today the public anger came out Mayor Lindsay and ended his political future.

The Lindsay Snow Storm

A few months later the mayor lost the republican primary. Lindsay was re-elected as an independent but his career was over. He made an embarrassing attempt to run for president in 1972. People from Queens traveled to primaries and heckled him. In 1980 Lindsay ran in the New York democratic primary for U.S. Senate. He came in third with 15 percent of the vote. By the 1990?s he was sick and broke. Mayor Giuliani appointed him to some city jobs so he would qualify for a pension and health care. He died in 2000.

Mayor John Lindsay, the republican Kennedy they called him, nearing the end of his first term went to Queens and attempted to walk the streets to calm people. His limo got stuck. He got in a four wheel drive truck but it didn?t help. Lindsay walked. Just as he did in Harlem when he stopped race riots from breaking out the year before. The storm was crueler. People booed him. Others yelled ” get out of here you bum.”

NY's Dumbest; NYC sanitation workers destroy a Ford Explorer (Video)

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