Tuesday, September 21, 2010


By Rafael Martínez Alequín

Early in July, YFP wrote an article detailing the future home of the denizens of Room 9 at City Hall. The reporters were exiled to a trailer across from the Mayor's office at the west-wing of the biggest harlot in the State.

Today, we witness the following video. While poor billionaire, Bloombito ponders on a toilet seat made of gold and uses paper made from thousand dollar bills, the press sits otherwise.

There is one single toilet in the press trailer. Upon entering there is a sign stating NOT NUMBER 2. In addition, the toilet can only be flushed 4 times a day. Now imagine, a cold day in February, when one of the denizens has a stomach ache. The streak you will witness is him/her dashing across to City Hall where hopefully an elevator will whisk them up to porcelain salvation.

video by Rafael Martínez Alequín

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