Monday, September 13, 2010

Paging Dr. House: Pro-Gustavo Rivera Docs Diagnose Espada-Itis

It might take a master diagnostician to find out just what's up in the Bronx (and I say that as a daughter of that beautiful borough.)

A bunch of scrubs -- no, literally -- affiliated with SEIU Healthcare are making house calls in the Bronx on behalf of Gustavo Rivera, who hopes to knock out state Senate Majority Leader Pedro Espada, Jr. in tomorrow's SD 33 primary.

"In its first-ever New York State endorsement, the 13,000-member Committee of Interns and Residents recently threw its weight behind Bronx upstart Gustavo Rivera - part of the union's beefed up political program aimed at leveraging members and resources to win stronger health and safety standards at New York's hospitals. Despite being political newcomers, CIR is already playing a big role: contributing $4,500, tapping 2,000+ members, and turning out volunteer ground troops for a major GOTV effort that includes canvassing, phone-banking, poll-watching, and fliering," said a statement.

Espada, who has been attacked from all sides as he tries to hold on to his office, recently received the backing of former state Independence Party chief Lenora Fulani and a group of Bronx clergy and says he's not giving up.


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