Thursday, September 23, 2010

No More Mr. Nice Guy, Mr. Mad As Hell: Andrew Cuomo Attacks

After all the fuss about how Andrew Cuomo's been holding his fire in the race against caustic Carl Paladino, the Democratic gubernatorial nominee's finally dropping the hammer in a new ad:

The spot, "One Job," starts airing statewide today -- and it goes after Paladino as a "welfare king who got rich by milking New York taxpayers" (they ripped that from our Bill Hammond) and got a $1.4 million tax break that resulted in the creation of just one job (again, ripped from a story by our Greg B. Smith.)

Up until now, Cuomo's been saying he'll stay away from catfighting -- while letting the NYS Dems drop most of the bombs on Paladino. Now, it seems, Cuomo's throwing down the gauntlet personally.


He's also actually got a nice ad out too, featuring "cancer survivor Nancy Marie Bergman -- Cuomo successfully fought her insurance company after it refused to cover tens of thousands of dollars in medical costs." Hit the jump to see it.

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