Wednesday, August 18, 2010



Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Contact: Horacio Gutierrez
(917) 270-8954

Rebecca Katz
(917) 699-1456

More Democratic Elected Officials Join Rivera's Campaign to Defeat Espada
Bronx - Gustavo Rivera's surging campaign to unseat Sen. Pedro Espada picked up more momentum today with endorsements from progressive elected officials.

The officials include: Borough President Scott Stringer, Senator Liz Krueger, Assembly Member Daniel O'Donnell and Council Members Margaret Chin, Daniel Dromm, Daniel Garodnick, Brad Lander, Jessica Lappin and Jumaane Williams.

Rivera's campaign is also endorsed by other elected officials including Bronx Council Members Oliver Koppell and Annabel Palma, Council Member Robert Jackson and Council Member Melissa Mark-Viverito; labor unions including AFL-CIO, 1199 SEIU, SEIU 32BJ, Communication Workers of America Local 1180, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1500, Freelancers Union, Hotel and Motel Trades Council and Organization of Staff Analysts; democratic clubs including 504 Democratic Club, Benjamin Franklin Reform Democratic Club, Jim Owles Democratic Club and Stonewall Democratic Club; and progressive groups including the New Roosevelt Initiative and the Working Families Party.

Earlier this week, a poll released by the New Roosevelt Initiative showed Rivera and Espada in a statistical dead heat, what they called a "stunning" result for a challenger at this stage in the race.

Gustavo Rivera said:"I am proud and humbled to receive support from some of New York's most effective and progressive legislators and elected leaders. Each has served their constituents with integrity and devoted energy. Our community deserves no less."

Borough President Scott Stringer said: "Gustavo is the next generation of leadership we need. He has the smarts, the experience, and the integrity to take on the special interests that dominate the debate in Albany. As an aide to Senator Gillibrand and a professor of political science, Gustavo has shown his commitment to public service and to his community. Gustavo will never forget who he is fighting for."

Senator Liz Krueger said: "I would be proud to serve alongside Gustavo Rivera in the State Senate. Over the last decade I have seen Gustavo grow as a progressive leader in his community and I have no doubt that he will serve his constituents in the 33rd District with the strength and integrity that they deserve."

Assembly Member Daniel O'Donnell said: "Gustavo Rivera represents the kind of honest leadership that we need in Albany. As an educator and as a community organizer, Gustavo has proven that he has the skills to represent his community and fight for working families."

Council Member Jumaane D. Williams said: "I am very proud to endorse Gustavo Rivera for State Senate. He is a man dedicated to fighting for the rights of the people and with his background in education; I know he is passionate about cultivating the minds of the residents in his community. This passion will benefit the people of New York State as whole. His progressive ideals along with his integrity will make him an invaluable asset as a Senator."

Council Member Brad Lander said: "Gustavo Rivera will be a smart, energetic, ethical, progressive addition to the State Senate. His election is a top priority for progressives around the state. I am honored to endorse him."

Council Member Daniel Dromm said: "In times like these, we badly need new leadership in Albany that will fight for jobs and put the community first. Gustavo Rivera has spent the last ten years fighting for the Bronx and he's got what it takes to give this district the representation it deserves."

Councilmember Jessica Lappin said: "The Bronx needs honest leadership and public servants who will put the needs of their community first. Gustavo has the integrity, the smarts, and the leadership to fight for this district in Albany."

Councilmember Daniel Garodnick said: "Gustavo Rivera has spent his whole life working for his community and he represents a new generation of leaders we need. As a community organizer, as a teacher, and as a leader, Gustavo has demonstrated commitment and integrity to this district. I am proud to stand with his campaign for change."

Council Member Margaret Chin said: "I'm proud to endorse Gustavo Rivera. A committed activist, Rivera will bring exactly the kind of energy we need to our State Senate. Having worked to elect Barack Obama President and for our own Senator Gillibrand here in New York, Gustavo is a true progressive New Yorker. From coming through on our party's promise to finally expand tenant's rights, to supporting marriage equality, Rivera will finally bring some sanity to the dysfunction of Albany."

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For more information on Gustavo Rivera for New York State Senate please visit:

3224 Grand Concourse, Unit G1 - Bronx, NY 10458 - 646-450-5429

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