Monday, August 30, 2010

An Independence day for Rubén Diaz Jr.

Today, Bronx Borough President Rubén Diaz Jr. endorsed José Gustavo Rivera for the 33rd senatorial district in the North East Bronx. Diaz Jr. by endorsing José Gustavo Rivera, demonstrates to the 1.4 million residents of the borough that even though his love for his father is profound, they also disagree. “This is not the first time we’re going to disagree with each other, and it certainly won’t be the last,” Rubén Díaz Jr. said today. “I like to hear my father’s thoughts, but on this one, he’s just wrong.”

View and listen to the following unedited videos of this news conference.

video by Rafael Martínez Alequín for YFP
Video 2

Video by Rafael Martínez Alequín for YFP
Video by Rafael Martínez Alequín for YFP

1 comment:

  1. Its August 31. Ruben Diaz Jr. waited until a little over 2 weeks before the primary to endorse Gustavo Rivera. He should have endorse Gustavo MONTHS ago.

    The three options are:
    1) Espada the alleged thief
    2) Padernacht the panderer and member of Community Board 8
    3) Gustavo Rivera the Last Hope.

    Did it really have to take this long for Ruben Diaz Jr. to come out swinging for Gustavo - whom I have no doubt will do a stellar job as a Senator. Ruben said he's known Gustavo for a long time...therefore he should have also known the content of his character and endorse him as soon as he threw his hat into the ring.

    Why is Jeffrey Dinowitz constantly hovering behind, beside or near Ruben Diaz Jr.? Does Ruben Diaz Jr. really need Jeffrey Dinowitz hanging around him, or does Jeffrey think that the only way a young Latino Bronx Borough President will be taken seriously is if a white Assemblyman from Riverdale is standing next to him?

    Dinowitz was in on planting Padernacht. Donowitz trolls blogs and reads comments and decided to come forward and endorse Gustavo because he knew folks were on to him and Espada. A woman in my housing development - a huge supporter of Dinowitz who appears at all of his public functions - went around DOOR TO DOOR collecting signatures for Dan Padernacht and told me that Dinowitz supported Padernacht.

    Did Espada send threatening letters to Padernacht supporters questioning the legitimacy of petition signatures as well OR were those letter sent to Gustavo Rivera supporters ONLY.

    Padernacht is a potted plant and Dinowitz has been slipping him Miracle Gro while no one was looking. This time he's busted though.

    It would be wise of Ruben Diaz and Gustavo Rivera to distance themselves from Jeff Dinowitz.
