Sunday, August 22, 2010

With Hat Tip To Gerson Borrero, Sen. Pedro Espada's New Ad: Updated x 5

Gerson Borrero of The Borrero Report just posted this bashfest of a video, which he says he obtained exclusively as the new commercial for the re-election campaign of Senate Majority Leader Pedro Espada, Jr. of the Bronx.

As you can see, the clip takes off on everyone from 32BJ to the Working Families Party to state Sen. Liz Krueger to Bill Samuels of the New Roosevelt Initiative.

Espada is described in the voiceover as "OUR voice in the state Senate" while rival Gustavo Rivera makes his cameo as a puppet who gets squashed by a giant foot, Monty Python-style.

I am awaiting word from the Espada campaign now.


Update 1: An Espada spokesman declined to comment about the ad on the record.

Update 2: "This election is about Pedro Espada's failure to represent our community in Albany and his numerous ethical problems and criminal investigations," said Horacio Gutierrez, Rivera's campaign strategist. "He is desperate to change the subject by lying about Gustavo Rivera, but the Bronx is too smart to fall for it. On September 14th, they will vote for a real change in Albany - someone who will never forget that he works for them."

Update 3: A spokesman for the WFP notes the party is not and was not under investigation by the FBI, making questionable whether the the ad would be accepted by TV stations or rejected for advancing a falsehood.

Update 4: A New Roosevelt Initiatie spox writes: "It's sad that Westchester millionaire Pedro Espada wants to attack everyone else instead taking responsibility for the disgrace he's brought upon his constituents with his corrupt actions. Espada's tasteless and untrue ad is yet more proof that the Bronx needs young, fresh leaders like Gustavo Rivera, a career educator and activist who will respect to the community, bring good jobs back to our neighborhoods and help clean up Albany."

Update 5: I think that'll be all the updates for now!

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