Sunday, August 22, 2010

Another Key Endorsemen For Senate candidate Gustavo Rivera: From Senator Eric Schneidermand and Assemblyman Adriano Espaillat

By Rafael Martínez Alequín

New York State Senator and Attorney General candidate Eric Schneirderman today endorsed Gustavo Rivera, for the 33rd senatorial district to unseat Pedro Espada. Espada is under investigation by New York, Southern Federal Attorney. He being charge by the New York Attorney General for stealing 14 million dollars from the Soundview Health Center in the Bronx. Senator Scheiderman was joyned by assemblyman Adriano Espaillat, both praised Rivera's commitment to reform.

"If we're going to really change state government we need a true reformer as our Attorney General and that person is Eric Schdeirman," said Gustavo Rivera. I am also thrilled to receive Adriano's endorsement as a dedicated, positive and effective public servant and as a strong leader in one of the most dynamic and growing communities in the Northwest Bronx. I look forward to working with Eric, Adriano and all the leaders in Albany dedicated to promoting strong progressive values that best serve residents of New York."

"I am proud to endorse Gustavo because I know he will distinguish himself as an agent of reform in Albany, advocating for progressive causes and honorably serving the communities of the 33rd District," said Adriano Espaillat.

Video by Rafael Martínez Alequín

1 comment:

  1. Did someone actually say Schniederman was a 'true reformer'?

    He's a career politician in the worst state legislature in America.
