Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bushwick Working Families Tell City Hall to Save Childcare Center

several parents, teachers and local officials expressed concern during graduation ceremony for the Center's four-year-old. "I have my grandson here (because) I can't pay three hundred dollars a week to send him to a school in Manhattan or somewhere else," Miguel Reynoso Said. (See Mr. Reynoso on the video below) "We havethe power to stop this and we will fight for the center to stay open."

City Council Member Erik Martín Dilán, who represents the 37th District that includes parts of Bushwick, graduated from a preschool that was located at the 783 Knickerbocker site twenty-five years ago. He expressed his determination to fight against the closing and told constituents he is "always pushing in the street for more services in the community." U.S. Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez gave her support by telling the crowd, "You have the right to educate and care for your children."

Video by Rafael Martínez Alequín for YFP

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