Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why People Hate Politicians

Paltalk News Network Contributor

WASHINGTON - We have an Indiana Republican and hero of abstinence who cheated; and a Democratic Attorney General and Senate candidate from Connecticut who pretends he fought in Vietnam. Oh, I don’t know - maybe it’s all the lying and hypocrisy?

And it’s not just one political party; it seems to be the whole wretched lot of them.

Tell you what, Republicans may do better than Dems in November but that’s only because there are more Democratic incumbents. If there was a third party called the Honesty Party - they’d all be swept out of office. I don’t believe these Tea Party candidates are going to turn out any better either. That’s what happens to reformers; they get a taste for power and they join the elite classes and start playing the same egotistical games.

This is Indiana Republican Congressman, Mark Souder.

This is Congressman Souder being interviewed by a part-time staffer named Tracy Jackson on the subject of abstinence. Jackson is the alleged mistress.

Here is a portion of Congressman Souder’s resignation letter:

To serve has been a blessing and a responsibility given from God. I wish I could have been a better example. I sinned against God, my wife and my family by having a mutual relationship with a part-time member of my staff. In the poisonous environment of Washington, D.C., any personal failing is seized upon, often twisted, for political gain. I am resigning rather than to put my family through that painful, drawn-out process.

This is Connecticut Attorney General, and Democratic Senate candidate, Richard Blumenthal.

This is Richard Blumenthal two years ago at a ceremony honoring military veterans:

We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam,” Mr. Blumenthal said to the group gathered in Norwalk in March 2008. “And you exemplify it. Whatever we think about the war, whatever we call it — Afghanistan or Iraq — we owe our military men and women unconditional support.

This is from Monday’s New York Times:

There was one problem: Mr. Blumenthal, a Democrat now running for the United States Senate, never served in Vietnam. He obtained at least five military deferments from 1965 to 1970 and took repeated steps that enabled him to avoid going to war, according to records.

Actually, let’s start in reverse. Anyone who wants to run for political office should be immediately disqualified. Already, their ego is out of control.

So what do we do?

We draft people. Like jury duty. One year at a time. Pay them well so they don’t get tempted. A year should not give them enough time to quite learn all the ways of Washington and “K” Street lobbyists. The year’s up and back home.

Citizen lawmakers instead of professional career-climbing, hypocritical, lying egomaniacs.

Just a thought.

Robert blogs at: http://garciamedialife.com
Twitter: garciamedialife

(Editor note: Mr. García, better still, anyone aspiring to run or be appointed for political office, they should be put in jail for six months of hard labor, after they finish their time in jail, they should be allowed to run or appointed for public office. Only then we could have a clean government. Rafael Martínez Alequín).

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